I’m stepdancing as fast as I can….

I’m getting excited about going to Cape Breton, to visit my new northern shack, for the next week and a half..


no heat, lights or water, but congenial neighbours and a wealth of Jones family connections, so it feels like home. I’ve got the good time Cape Breton music  blasting from the CD player, and I’m on the road in spirit, if not in body,  already.


I’ll have to cut the holiday short to come back to the jungle like atmosphere of New York ( we’re even developing a tropical rain forest here this year) so I can pick up the globe trotting daughter, who’s coming home for a 3 week visit.


Life is so, so good.

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June 27, 2006

Happy to get your very kind notes. I’ve missed your input.

June 28, 2006

So…you are shacking up? Have a great break. A remote location with no amenities should be a total break from what you are used to doing.

June 28, 2006

I’d get excited about going to Cape Breton, too — if I was going. However, instead I am excited about going to Revelstoke, B.C. which is where we are vacationing this summer.

June 29, 2006

im up in Aberdeen, North East Coast

July 21, 2006

RYN: Richard Burton…who knew, huh?