I’m available by radio frequency….

No, really.

When I went to the border today to get my visa renewed, I was given a visa paper, with a metallic strip inbedded in it, so they can track my movements by GPS if they need to.


God Bless them, I wonder if they can stand the boredom of my life, even by satellite technology. I can barely stand it myself.


I thought this was funny at first, and then was saddened by the lack of adventure I would present to anyone who beamed in on my frequency. Work, home…only shopping at  stores I can duck into in a fast five minutes on my way back to my house.


I’ll have to work on being more mysterious and wayward now that an eye in the sky is tracking my movements.


( Strangely enough, I was briefly reassured that Homeland Security was getting on top of the terrorist thing…then I realized that most bad guys would be clever  enough to  park this visa strip thing with a grandmotherly  drone like me, and do whatever they wanted. The guys manning the GPS thing will be monitoring alot of people like me, who like staying home when they can, and mostly favour  minding  their own business as an alternative to wrecking havoc.)

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November 20, 2005

Good point…terrorists wouldn’t be too concerned about compliance, about actually wearing the tracking device. I guess homeland security could get secondary backup with surveillance cameras in stores, etc. to verify the satellite tracking thing…if they thought you were a big risk. Do you get to see your own records afterwards? That might be interesting…a satellite pedometer.

November 21, 2005

Yes, those who have malevolent intentions can always find ways to subvert the system.

On the up side, I can always call Homeland Security to find my car keys…..

January 26, 2006

Can you imagine what all this is COSTING? When we can’t afford medical care? Or basic education? Makes me sad to think of it.