I am so fucking sick of Canada…

Canada is not a real place.

Canada acts like it welcomes outsiders, but it doesn’t.


Canada says that it cares about the future of its people, but  lets 

its children sleep on street corners,  and fade into derelicts….

(what’s the alternative, eh?) 


Canada makes itself feel better by ‘curing” the ailments of the world…Go UN  Peacekeepers, Go!

It leaps to attention when atrocities occur elsewhere, but ignores its own vile scabby disregard for the needs of its own…. the children in the street, the poverty that doesn’t even have the dignity of it’s own squalour, like in the US or South America.

 ( In Canada, 75% of the welfare cheque goes to the landlord, because ‘poor’ people don’t own land in Canada…perhaps this is because it is such a small country….)

Canada doesn’t like garbage…this is why the streets are so clean ( you wondered eh? It used to be that street cleaning was a government job….now we just let the poor scavenge for edibles and saleables and returnables, and the end result is  tidy side walks!)

  Go Canada!

Canada is polite…manners are next to godliness.

So the reviling of the poor and jobless is of the highest quality.  And joblessness just means that you ‘don’t know someone’, so, obviously, you are unimportant and next to non-existent……except as your value as a welfare statistic. In which case, manners don’t apply, and the more brutish will push you  in front of a Toronto subway.

Maybe the distainful disregard is better than that.

Canada .


It thinks it is beautiful, and thoughtful, and much nicer than the rest of the world….but it isn’t.

Canada is a facade.

 I hate Canada.

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February 19, 2005

Whoa — there’s that Minerva that I expected to meet — with the furrowed brows. Nope, we’re not perfect up here. RYN: you’re right about the kitten — one will probably find us one day.

February 19, 2005

So what do you really think about us? Don’t hold back.

February 20, 2005

~ ducks ~

February 24, 2005

Come on now….Aren’t we all living in a world of country ‘informercials? Canada is clean, idealistic, fair? The US is strong, idealistic, passionate? England is fervent and beer swilling? The Netherlands are blonde and athlethic? The Middle East is swarthy and scary? Earth Girls are Easy? Woo Hoo! Don’t we all live with these strange separations? And what is the outcome?