Having a stake……

or when do we need to put a stake through the heart of it?

This is a weird way of looking at history.

We all give a kind of lip service to the future…we worry about what our children, then our extended family members (like cousins and in-laws) will have to deal with in the next 6 months, 2 years, or decade. In our expressions we act like tomorrow, the next day, and the fate of our grandchildren, means anything…we talk like are invested.

Now, I’m just acting from my small experience, but I’ve never seen more gasoline burned and money spent than in the last month. I attribute it to more late sleepers ( depression) and more compulsive shoppers (depression). I’ve seen some crazy gathering of necessities ( fatalistic Obsessive Compulsives), and some mad partying ….Mardis Gras!! ALRIGHT! Let’s raise some money, and a glass, to tits tits and more tits!…( Dependent or Panic Disorder,  Substance Abuse, Bipolar Mania, or Schizophrenia).

It seems like there must be some explanation for this ‘mood driven, disorganized’ behaviour.

It seems like when the government says we might need to curtail some of the more conspicuous aspects of our consumption, we act like panicked labs rats and shop in a frenzy of credit,…..like crack addicts on a jag. Thank you Dr Pavlov.

I’ve got to say, to all the ardent American flag waving ‘individualists’ at this site… get off your jet skiis/ski doos/ Harleys/ RV’s. Take the low cost flight back from wherever, close the window, put on a sweater and some socks, learn about having fun just hanging out with your family and the neighbours, and slow the fuck down!

If you have ‘Two Homes"..start thinking about that…..how many homes does a couple or one person need anyway?

Start buying shit made in or near your own hometown…. these people pay your salary. Your pension too.Stop paying disadvantaged people pennies a day to enrich bloated corporations who have no allegiance to anything but their own strange parasitic survival.You’re not making anyones life better..not even your own.

 Stop acting like ‘wealth’ is anything other than it is…an undignified, and probably corrupt, usurping of the common good.

Start sharing a little, eh…and stop squandering.

I feel like I’m waving to the entitled pleasure seekers who had above deck quarters on the Titanic.

"Hi fat assholes…you’re going down, eh? Get a lifeboat….and stop shoving the skinny people out of the way, ok?"

It’s funny..there’s no thoughtful analysis of current economic trends. There’s no discussion of expanding mass transit so we rely less on fuel…..we just shop and shop and shop ourselves into a state of ‘homeostasis’…then we struggle in the privacy of our own homes with the consequences of this unmindful, opiate junky -like use of money we don’t actually have.

Keep up with the Jones’s if you can…wah, ha ha! And ‘Shoot the Looters"! Woo hoo…some fun we’re having now! I just knew those crap heads were dying to break into my house and steal some water and my DVD player’….assholes! Shoot’em..shoot’em!

I understand Burger King is offering a premium of $6,000 to return to New Orleans to work for minimum wage…..that’s like a whole other dollar an hour…yee haw!

We get similar incentives in my medical factory job to work on the ‘off shifts’ ( 3:30 pm to midnight, midnight to 7 am…I no longer justify this menial wage hike . After taxes…it works out to 60 cents an hour. I can’t even buy a gallon of gas /milk/or beer after that sort of extra compensation every day, not to mention a pack of smokes)

We are out of our minds.

Your grandchildren are watching you.



PS: I probably wouldn’t feel this angry if I didn’;t see the way this country ‘saves’ money by cutting funding to schools. Who the hell is going to feed you when you’re old , infirm, and dying you asses! Such greediness! So much abandonment of the young. Shame on us all, such a stupid and self serving society.

 All of us nurses are becoming seniors ourselves, and we’re fed up with your selfishness. We want to go out the old way….high on opium, set adrift on an icefloe… just put us out of our misery, ok?

No one wants to replace us….’Not worth the money’ they say. ‘Not enough compensation’.

This is how your children look at you…..’better off dead than alive’. A waste of time.


Why not…this is what they learned through our tender mercies, our idiotic extended adolescence. Our own ‘Never Never Land’..where noone has to be grown up, and everyone is expendable , replacable, redundent.

This odd philospophy..this Utilitarianism ( less in fashion than "Post Modernism")

I don’t blame our children for their violence, their racism, their greed, their stupidity. I love them for their idealism,their passion,  their confusion.

They are what we teach them.

Shame on us

Thank God for their reaction to our oppressive ‘parenting’. There’s a wisdom in their rebellion. They are our only redeeming  value..this new start. This fresh hope.


Let’s try to be worthy of this second chance we are offered on a daily basis…


how about we be smarter the next  time around?


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October 14, 2005

Yes, even just sitting at home, we in North America, burn up way more than our fair share of resources.