Extreme Unction…

People are dying today, according to the media.

 Popes, Terry’s.

Has it been years since people died?…I seem to recall Hunter Thompson dying recently.

He shot himself through the head., and died. There may have been ‘lesser deathes’ in this period.

Terry Schiavo got starved to death today, because we didn’t have the strength  of character to treat her in a merciful way. She died on ‘3/31/05’ because the court enforced lack of nutrition finally brought about the death that her own eating disorder failed to accomplish 15 years ago. 


And  today the Pope is dying…so sad. Such a good man.


Will bears still shit in the woods in the face of all this sorrow?


‘I think it’s inevitable, don’t you’?


Thank you Boo Boo…

from the real Yogi.


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March 31, 2005

The court enforced the right of a spouse to make final decisions. One day, Michael will face a Higher Court and we’ll all know for sure then.

April 5, 2005

I agree. But it would be nice if the inevitable could be easier…:)xo

April 21, 2005

i only believe what the news tells me. Apparently a little boy was *almost* run over today when he ran out into the street. also, the parents are sueing the driver or something to that extent.Bad drivers are the cause of everything you know. Good thing those parents are there to sue them… the news told me this story at least 5 times, each time extending it’s length.forget that it’s sunny today