Erectile Dysfunction….

If you start noticing more ads for medicines that ‘cure’ erectile’ dysfunction, it may be a consequence of women reacting to stories like this….



Slaying of Afghan Women Concerns U.N. By STEPHEN GRAHAM, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 52 minutes ago

KABUL, Afghanistan – The United Nations sounded an alarm for women’s rights in Afghanistan on Thursday after three young Afghan women were found raped, hanged and dumped on a roadside with a warning not to work for foreign relief organizations.

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Women’s groups rallied in the capital to protest the killings, which came weeks after another woman was murdered for alleged adultery — examples of brutality that appear to have survived the fall of the Taliban.

The bodies of the women were found Sunday in Baghlan province, 120 miles north of Kabul, and officials and doctors said they had been raped and hanged. A note found with the bodies said they were killed for working for international aid groups.

“While there is no confirmation that this was the case or the actual motive of the killing, this could constitute a threat to women working for non-governmental organizations, which (the U.N.) strongly condemns,” U.N. spokeswoman Ariane Quentier said.

“In a context where violence against women remains too often unprosecuted and unpunished, it is particularly important that the authorities spare no effort to bring swiftly the perpetrator of this crime to justice,” she said.

Police arrested a woman and two men in the killings.

Afghan officials said one of the slain women, identified only as Mahbooba, had worked for a Bangladeshi relief group. However, the group’s managers denied any link to the victims.

Officials said the note, which accused the women of prostitution, was signed by a previously unknown “Youth Movement.”

In the adultery case, authorities said Mohammed Aslam, a resident of a remote village in Badakhshan province killed his daughter Amina after she was caught in the house of a man other than her husband.

Officials say 13 people have been arrested in the case, including at least one mullah who allegedly sanctioned the killing of the 22-year-old woman.

A group of 26 Afghan women’s organizations staged a protest in a Kabul park Thursday to protest the killings and urge President Hamid Karzai to make sure authorities end “outdated customs and beliefs” behind decades of violence against women.

They also urged Islamic scholars to use their influence to prevent any repeat of crimes which “sully the name of Islam and Muslims.”

Nader Nadery, a spokesman for the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission, said he knew of no comparable case since the fall of the Taliban in late 2001. During the five years of Taliban rule, women were barred from education and jobs and forced to veil themselves from head to toe.

But Nadery said violence against women — from “widespread” physical abuse to forced marriages — is encouraged by the slow pace of internationally sponsored reforms to the decrepit justice system.

Quentier said the United Nations was “very concerned about the way in certain instances women are being discriminated against or treated in this country.”

Justice Minister Mohammed Sarwar Danish admitted the difficulties, but put some of the blame on police for not reporting such crimes.

“In most of the provinces, these kind of incidents are happening, but nobody hears about it,” Danish said.

“We’re working on the reforms and we already have a good system,” he said. “But sometimes there is no court, sometimes no good judge or prosecutor. This is what makes the system so difficult.”




Thank God we have the will, and  pills,  to cure the ailments of this world!


Go  Viagara!

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May 6, 2005

Indeed, one can see why it is so important to put money and time into helping men get it up and stick it to women.

June 6, 2005

I need a pill.