Carry On Up the Tube Bombing ….

The truth about my strange mind is that I frequently become disconnected from what is actually happening in the world, and free associate like a mad woman….


for example, I awoke this morning from a long slumber after watching some of the news commentary on the London subway bombings yesterday, and my mind wandered in a few connected and distinct directions.

First, I wondered about the terrorists agenda. What is it, really, that they want? I have seen no manifesto on the subject, so I’m guessing there is no well thought out philosophy behind this whole thing.

Yes, they want  Western concerns out of " Islamic countries" ( where are these? Last I heard, the world was an amalgamation of people who practice many  religions, and they congregate in small, variegated, socioeconomic groupings called nations.The inhabitants of same include those who have no religious stance, other than holding good will towards their neighbours. They are the most fucked, because they are out of the horrific "I shall quell your Evil with the overwhelming Wrath of my God/ Let me Sell You Some Crap" loop)

Next I thought about the many terrorist acts I’ve seen unfold on my TV screen, and I thought about how people in the Tube were trapped. And I flashed on the people who jumped, enmass, from the World Trade Centers, and I wondered if any of them had the awareness that that were under attack…violence is very surreal, and it sometimes takes a little perspective to figure out how you can fit it into your own mythology. The people who jumped were probably escaping the horror of a death by fire, but I do wonder if, in the future, their story will be rearranged so that we see them as similiar to  the ancient people of the city of Masada, who killed themselves rather than being  murdered  or enslaved by a violent society. Then I wondered about how it felt to be underground yesterday in London,  travelling to work, reading a book, or gazing at interesting strangers  when a sudden blast of fire and noise and metal and blood went off, and the next thing you knew you were brushing flesh and brains off of you in an insane  world of smoke and confusion and  screaming.

I decided , today, that the sole agenda of the terrorist people is to bring about a whole new Hell on Earth.

Then I briefly moved into ‘superhuman saviour’ mode, where I imagined I might have been on a bus or in a train station where someone suddenly stood and revealed the explosive devices attached to their torso (with a Hollywood type trip switch dramatically held in his/her hand) and as that person  is screaming "Praise be to Allah!", or some such crap, I tackle’m , containing the switch and bellowing " Run! Run!" to my fellow passengers. And I know this is fantasy control thinking….but I do know that I now pick the aisle seat rather than the window seat when I book an airline flight, so part of me is preparing, in a hypervigilant way, for just such an occasion.

And that’s just crazy and absurd.


Then I made some coffee, and checked my email….no work for me  today I guess, other than the type I choose .


But I do wonder how we can carry on in such a bizarre world…..where horror has such immediacy, and remains so inexplicable, despite all the ‘information’ we receive on the various continuous news feeds. And I see the TV screen lauding the folks who went to work today in London, in spite of "the troubles", and I think….

" Well good for you!",  and "How sad." , and " What is wrong with us?"

 and my mind screeches around corners and into scary tunnels before finally settling into a numbed roundabout.

And then I think of the people who are missing loved ones today.


Condolences to those who’ve  lost friends and family in the recent terrorist attacks.






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Thank you.

July 9, 2005

this is so exactly it. you are quite right. ryn:i do want something more i am sure. but i also want less. no. i want out of this. i do. but i really wouldn’t know where to begin. none of it really makes sense.

July 12, 2005

Odd how we can see eye to eye on some things and be worlds apart on others. I too flashed on jumpers but I can’t imagine that they will one day be portrayed as jumping to avoid being enslaved. Their martrydom had a different core. They didn’t get a choice. I’ll never forget the sound of bodies dropping. Ever. My heart is with those who suffered in London. As for the descent of mankind, it is…

July 12, 2005

..easy to wonder how long before we implode (or explode, depending on which world leader hits the button), but remember that each generation shakes it’s head and wonders when the end of the world comes. Still, ya gotta figure there has to be an end. RYN: What? Who? Me? Green? With envy? Nah….that’s my natural skin color. LOL! Norway. Lucky, LUCKY Miss Minerva! See absolutely everything and…

July 12, 2005

…then come back and tell me every detail. I have ALWAYS wanted to see Norway. I study Swedish which is different, but went looking for translation websites and thought these looked most promising: Also, keep a “cheat” book and try to use the same phrases over and over.

July 13, 2005

RYN: I wonder how far north you have to go to escape these massive heat waves we have been getting lately.

July 13, 2005

I have heard a number of experts on the radio saying we SHOULD talk to terrorists — that what they really want is to be heard. That they feel they are being drowned out by the giant steam-roller of Western style capitalism, which goes against all of their values, and they feel this is the only way to get people’s attention.

July 13, 2005

However, I am not saying I agree with their methods. Wreaking terror on innocent people is most loathsome. I cannot imagine what it would have been like on the tube that day — it would have been like a nightmare.

July 15, 2005

RYN: Hubby is currently obsessed with those Soduku puzzles (I think I spelled that wrong). Of course you’re a fave! BTW, heard more on that pollution migrating from the States on the radio today. This time they said 50% of the smog in Ontario comes from coal-fired power plants in the Midwest, especially around Chicago. The ironic thing is that Ontario has a mandate to close down our…

July 15, 2005

… coal-fired power plants. But that leaves us short on power so we have to buy it — from coal-fired plants in the Midwest. Consequently they are building more coal-fired power plants in the Midwest to meet with the increased demand. It’s a crazy world.

RYN: Yes, she is on a mood stabliser to help with her anxiety. Can’t remember what offhand though.