Buzzy, the purring kitten of love….

Buzzy is a very cute orange kitten I got from my sister-in-law , the saviour that rescues the feral cats of Queens New York by capturing them, endoctrinating them to domestication, and finding them homes.  He was one of  a litter  raised by a particularly skittish mother, and  when I brought him  home on his  8 weeks birthday, he was very wary of human contact.


He’d hide behind the curtains, the couch, and in strategically placed boxes I placed around the house. But soon, he was displaying a natural curiosity, and need for affection. After 3 days he’d come out from hiding when I put new cat food out in the kitchen, and he’d let me tickle his neck briefly before he remembered he was supposed to be scared of me.


Now, after 6 weeks of living in my house, he is the cat of love….he is all over me the minute I get home from work, purring and nuzzling my face. If I take a nap on the couch, he awakens me by licking my mouth and nose ( there’s nothing like a little raspy cat tongue in your nostrils to bring you out of a deep sleep).


He’s either giving me kitten CPR, or seeing if I’m edible…

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