Break a Leg!

This is supposed to be a well wishing to people who are about to go onstage at a play….because if you wish them happiness, joy and success, you’ll break their stride…

 so if you pre-break their leg through a wish, they won’t actually have to sabotage their own happiness, or think what they’re doing is important in any way, or whatever

 It’s all  a very mysterious and wayward thing , this superstition….

 so  I’m not going to deviate from the ritual…because I’ve seen what broken legs are like, and how they hamper a person for months at a time, and cramp their style.



So break leg baby, go for broke, bring down the house…


and if you actually break a limb, you know where to come for help, food, shelter, money,  and love….



"The modern woman, in contrast to the women of earlier times, realises that the fate of her children will chiefly be determined by society as a whole, and that her work is aimless and may prove in vain if she is unable to play a part in shaping the conditions of society."

 Bjornsterne Bjornson and Ida Blom


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February 28, 2006

In French theatre they say, ‘Merde,’ which of course means sh!t.