A little cruddy eh?

The whole sordid mess, and the state of your aunts ass, and the economics of the whole thing, and my own mind set….

Because I am one of the last hangers on…the average age of a nurse is 2 years older than me, and I’m ready to pack it in at the ripe age of 45.


I have a plan to sell chips, fish and crab cakes out of a travelling trailer in my old age…..because we all need to eat, and are glad when we score some food. We become repeat customers at good food boothes, and we chomp and chew and smile and laugh…. and play with and chide our children, and renew bonds, and appreciate our small pleasures in the moments afforded…


Much better than the hospital, where there’s a world of sickness going on…people who spend their lives being patients and the rest brace themselves to be the families of the sick or, even worse, the paid professionals who negotiate and proctor  illness, sparing you from the barf and the shit and the crud that people cough out of their lungs and the strange smells, and the ever present fucking sadness.


Because most of us are healthy and then die of organ failure after 60 or 70 or 80 years…the hospital gathers the chronically ill and embraces them like the runt to the tit…they hate the patient that spends more than a week in the hospital, but realize that the patient who is ill for ever…10, 20, 30 40 etc years is their bread and butter.


Medical and mental health services is such a facade…the MD’s can prescribe meds, and the rest of it is enduring and taking care of the sick….


when the sick and injured family members don’t snap out of it in a timely fashion, people call on the hospitals and nurse and doctors and DEMAND better service….because we’re entitled to life and health, eh?


I’ll gladly sell you fishcakes.,..so tasty. And fries, fresh cut and fried.



Yum yum.


You’re doomed to die already…get over yourself, and enjoy the minutes you have to live.


I am becoming a very terrible nurse, eh? The sort who doesn’t give a flying fuck?


And I’m supposed to care when you all stop giving up the ghost? Shame on me!



But I think I like your sick and dying family members better than you….because they may be more real and likable than you….I’m just sorry I’ve lost my sense of satisfaction about this arrangement.






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November 27, 2006

Seems to me some kind of a change would be good for you.

December 1, 2006

I’ve already bought the travel trailer. Now I just need to stop pretending that my job is anything that satisfies anyone else.I already know it has no satisfaction for me. I’m into the oral rather than the rectal end of “Things that people don’t really need but pretend to themselves are indespensible” eh? Food service and nursing care…at your service at either end of the alimentary canal. Vera

January 12, 2007

REYN: Aye true and as a stubborn scot i ain’t giving in