Who can imagine porn with condoms mandatory??
Legislation in California right now threatens to make condoms and safe sex mandatory in all porn filmed there. This seems terribly unappealing but since I began this entry I reasoned that porn will probably just find various new forms to morph into.
Indeed it is sort of tiresome to see the overdone tongue-twisting with male bodily fluids in porn videos. I can understand that male climax isn’t completely subtle in order to authenticate the activities and/or pleasure suggested. I still think that much or most of that is overdone. It seems to me that once a reasonable person can determine that it wasn’t a faked orgasm then the actors needn’t go to the popular extremes beyond that – at least in terms of the partner’s mouth.
For a while such new regulations will really put a damper on the demand for newly produced porn. I suspect that what is now "vintage porn" will eventually include any porn created before such laws take effect. Maybe the center of the U.S. porn industry will move away from California to somewhere else as the result of such a new regulation. Maybe that is the whole inspiration of the California lawmakers in drawing up such legislation.
I know that one or more porn actors have acquired significant STD’s from one another in very recent times yet I still sense that the response is overkill. Obviously porn actors envision some risk when signing-on to participate in such films or imagery and consider that porn has been produced for a very long time, in large quantities, and with very little reporting of STD transference. That despite an almost universal lack of protection between sex partners even though there are considerable standards relating to STD screenings for all involved.
Had this been a potential epidemic, or even a significant problem, we would have seen the porn industry lean that way well before now. As I said, though, the likely evolution past the point of strict requirements for condoms in porn will see porn producers being innovative and perhaps enough so to guide America’s appetite for porn in surprising directions.
For the time being I’m content in knowing that there are thousands and thousands of porn DVD’s that I’ve never even heard of, and which could potentially entertain me in the traditional ways until such time as when the porn of the future becomes familiar enough to seem interesting.
The porn industry as a whole is a curiosity. For a while the XXX industry was host to the only entities online that were making money from the internet. An unfortunate tangent to that factor is that, with so much porn available online for free, the bricks and mortar porn available has skyrocketed in price because fewer and fewer people have any cause to want to pay for it. Many real-life XXX establishments are hurting financially because the internet has not only afforded much more porn for far less money, but the internet wins hands-down in the area of letting one preserve his or her privacy while consuming porn.
As online technology gets better and better, a much greater amount of porn is available to just about anyone. Even 13yo kids who used to have to await the rare time in every childhood when a discarded porn mag. might be found near the curb somewhere, can now simply sign-on as an 18yo and immediately avail himself to a treasure trove of free porn.
I sort of wonder just who are the people paying for internet porn. Sure you can spend some amount of money and presumably watch a private nude camera show with any of numerous young women. At least you’re getting what seems like live interaction for the money. Other than that, companies are making a mint off of nominal monthly membership fees which permit the user to surf everywhere on a particular porn site for a month. Last I noticed, these websites have an "automatic renewal" clause in their fine print – meaning that they will keep charging the per-month fee of $3.99 or so until you jump through all the hoops to firmly declare that you no longer wish to continue.
Some porn websites aren’t very well secured by their webmasters in that one can use Google and sometimes access paid websites through the back door. Every porn photo has a distinct web address and sometimes Google lands you inside a pay site, where slight alteration of a photo’s web address yields a totally different photo of a completely different individual. I’m sure the porn industry has caught on to this for the most part, but with the public demand for porn never higher, maybe tight security is small potatoes compared to keeping the front door easily navigable by the customer perfectly willing to fork over credit card info and incur the revolving $3.99 monthly charge.
From what little I’ve ever perceived about some of those sites, many of them don’t update their porn stock very often even though they’re the ones charging for the right to browse their sites. With so many online message boards about porn, one need merely figure out the stage names of his favorite porn starlets to tap into what are usually scores of offerings by the same actress.
Yours truly can’t recall ever paying for online porn in any way but I can’t rule out the chance that I experimented a time or two with those small monthly fees back near the dawn of my internet experience. In the same way, I’ve never been able to motivate myself for phone sex either. Most of the advertisement for phone sex is unrealistic and done in such a way that the hard-sell looks of the women depicted just can’t be authentic. Now I don’t mind the mere inauthenticity of that but the further the image is from the reality behind it, the less interested I would tend to be.
Maybe I wouldn’t be drawn-in by a photo of a housewife with curlers in her hair and an ironing board out in front of her as she talked. I’d be far more inclined to dial the number of a woman whose own "Glamour Shot" was on the page in front of me than if I saw the photo of some overdone person whose image matches others’ perceptions of male fantasy, while knowing full well that I was going to speak with the aforementioned housewife if I dialed.
Some of the relatively recent genres of porn include "POV" (point of view)… when filming is done as if the scenario is lived and seen through the eyes of the viewer… and "Instruction"… when some seeming hottie very quickly determines that some dude out there in viewer land is eager to masturbate to her form. She talks directly to him, belittles him in ways, and invariably uses hand motions that simulate male masturbation. Her words are typically over-the-top as she tapes her performance in front of people other than those who will actually view and try to enjoy her effort.
I’m sure that the bounds of legal pornography are being tested and nudged outward all the time, and it is for reasons like those that the mighty porn industry would even adjust to the major setback that would be condom requirements for all sexual interactions.
What’s your favorite kind of porn? (anonymous notes are always allowed here)
Fav porn : a) lesbian. (B) boss secretary. (C) young girls with very older men Ryn: yes 37, very young looking, fit, and busty (natural) 😛
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yeah, i got nothing.
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I am often tempted to pay for porn sites because I am so bored of mainstream porn and finding good quality fetish porn to download is time consuming and frustratingly difficult. Not to mention sites like redtube etc if you’re looking in the gay section you still get tits and pussy shoved in your face, gross.
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So yeah you never quite know the quality or content of what you’re about to download. Perhaps the straight porn market is easier to navigate, most likely I’m too picky. But I’m certainly not about to give up on porn so yeah I’ve considered membership to sites, but then I found xtremetube so yeah I’m good for now 😛
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In regards to the question at the end — amateur, home made. Hands down.
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Have you ever seen someone die of AIDS? Perhaps you need to get a life and have real sex than get vicarious thrills. Or get a second job and hire hookers and even then use a condom you idiot. I do not wish AIDS on anyone. Even an idiot like you.
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hmmm….honestly, as a public health student (especially in SC, infamous for HIV, and teen pregnancy)…I think condom use should be promoted as frequently as possible. And if porn offers an avenue to normalize condom use, it should absolutely be seized. Don’t know that that should necessarily be mandatory, but hey…whatever gets people’s attention.
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I think condoms in porn is a great idea! People of all (hopefully mature, of course) ages watch porn, and especially for the teen boys/girls who haven’t had sex yet but do watch porn, seeing the actors using condoms would hopefully normalize it so that when they do have sex, they’ll be safe about it. Plus, of course, it would keep the actors safer, even if they do have rigorous screens.
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And as for your last question, group/orgy porn lately, like multiple guys on one girl. What does that say about me as a girl? hah! 😉
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I can’t think of anything to much to be said about this, I’m not a big porn person, I should ask Jami when he gets back… Hope you’re doing well dear, it’s been awhile.
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I like amateur handmade porn as an above noter mentioned as well!
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I think condoms should be required for intercourse but not for oral sex. I feel a huge part of porn is the “messy finish” and taking that away 100% would hurt the industry quite a bit. No matter what the safety mesaures are, people will still end up with STD’s. Providing condom requirements will possibly prevent a few STD’s from spreading but it won’t protect everyone.
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Hi John. Just to leave a note that my fav kind of porn – the one with storyline and not just the fucking action. oh, actually, having said that, now I remember the site I used to glance over every now and then – the fuckingmachines.something. they’ve got trailers. wierdly enough they managed to get my pants wet few times 😉 oh, and also – that Alazar is updated 😉
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what IS the method for testing for STDs for porn stars? Just curious- cause how often can they do it? I would have to assume that people who do porn obviously enjoy sex and don’t necessarily care how many partners they have- so with that said- what if a screening is on monday and they sleep with a new/non actor person on tuesday? then they are no longer safe…hmmm…
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Ryn: yes I hope…
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Ryn: yes I think Japanese men are more rampant into that sort of thing, isn’t it? But then those who go for geisha experience do not seek sexual encounters for real geisha does not offer sex.
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It’s rough because I myself get turned off when they wear condoms to the point where once I see he’s putting one on I look for a different video. I have not used a condom in years and I don’t even remember what one feels like…only that I prefer sex without them. 🙂 My favorite porn is rape and anime. I am tempted to pay for it because the free stuff is mostly garbage.
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But yeah, as far as condom usage… I don’t think it should be made a law to use them. STDs can be classified as a work hazard the same way dying from electrocution is a work hazard of an electrician or falling from a scaffold is one of a construction worker (the list can go on). As many safety precautions as there are in these professions, employees are still at risk every day. Shit, walking out
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the door every day is a risk. These people chose these professions and they have to acknowledge and accept the risks that go along with them. Being a sex worker doesn’t make them exempt from these basic rules.
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R: are those first class girls so different? Are they snobbish, arrogant and stuck up? I also wonder whether they discriminate their clients
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Ryn: sorry, I wasn’t judging anyone when I wrote that. That was quoting straight from the headlines, and the fact that wives were encouraged to handle the role as prostitutes that include being able to handle all kind of acts by their husbands (regardless if some husbands are cruel or physically abusive – thankfully not mine) are making that new women’s group seem too scandalous at the moment. They propagated that if husbands stray that shows wives fail in serving them sexually. I personally am against that notion. There are men whose wives are seemingly perfect in every way but still they have affairs – how can their wives be blamed since the men enjoy variety. The fact that women are being treated as men’s “punching bags” for every man’s downfall is not fair. Men have brains. They can think for themselves. If they choose to be bad husbands, that is their choices, women should not be the reason for them acting the ways they do. Next they’ll be blaming working girls for being so nice and pliant.
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Ryn: lol I don’t wanna him to read that too…cos I’m seldom mushy over him, hahaha… Javanese do drink a lot of coffee but I’m mixture of malay, java, dutch, chinese, and a few more native asian races…I do like tea and everything English though, lol! Seriously I don’t wanna live till I am old and decrepit…just wanna be remembered with my teeth and inner muscles still intact, 😛
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R: LOL! Yes Kegel exercise…I do that but sometimes it makes me too horny, shucks! Hahaha At 65 some people need dentures already…I don’t wanna wear one! LOL Though I recall in The Nutty Professor 2, the kinky grandma took out her dentures so that she could give buddy love a blowjob! LOLOL
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R: LOL okay…but how is sex at 65? Or the moment I reach menopause after my 50s?? Lots of lubricants?? Oh LOL
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R: well I hope he won’t want it to last so long, maybe a few thrusts, he cum, go to sleep, and I can proceed reading my book! LOL 🙂 Ps : what’s a coochie?
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RYN \ It’s BEEN time! And we’ve delivered, oh yes, we’ve delivered. 😉
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i feel like you might have gotten really off topic in my entry..
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well thank you for all your notes sir! 🙂
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