Updating my last entry / new OD-related tale
When we last convened here the story was about a genuine-seeming woman having found evidence that her husband was seeing another woman. The innocent wife dialed the phone number on her husband’s phone to learn that she had contacted a working girl. Emotionally speaking it is usually smoother to learn that your husband has been seeing a prostitute than to find out that there is indeed a textbook "other woman", so when cooler heads prevailed on both sides of the conversation it was destined to go pretty well.
The talk lasted perhaps 20 minutes and it left the working girl (of just 2 years experience) feeling emotionally consumed and resulted in her sharing her unique experience online, just to let it out. Public backlash has been intense, and lots of other (no doubt married) men have sided emphatically with the two-timing husband and against a working girl who is somehow perceived to owe "discretion" to any and all of her customers.
The semantics of the exchanges have been bantered back and forth constantly with the morally wrong side still unable to accept that the husband brought this all upon himself not only through his initial actions, but because he was careless with the contact info for the working girl. The guy tries to explain that his wife discovered a "text message" from the working girl that included a photo. Somehow he then deduces that the working girl was directly at fault.
The smoking gun in the equation is a text message onto which I have now laid my own eyes, and it was written by the guy and sent to the working girl and it reads as follows:
"Feel free to text any time for any reason".
This woman was not indiscriminately peppering the man’s phone with text messages, but was only answering one of his recent requests for a photo.
I’m still unclear just how the guy can rationalize any story which does not include his being directly at fault.
As for the working girl, while there is some seeming harm done to her working reputation among the married-and-cheating set, her moral compass is working well and she is at peace with herself.
She is quite an interesting story in that she never got into prostitution until after her 40th birthday (yes, you heard it right!) and yet she seems quite at-home in the business despite the late start. She has had her car vandalized, perhaps as the result of this upheaval, and has had to switch locations of her ‘appointments’ as well.
Because of her effective marketing (which entails being "herself", mostly, with no facade) the woman has been able to maintain more business than anybody else at her massage parlor. She has been engaging the minds of her potential ‘dates’ and via that avenue she has been able to out-sell much younger women.
Side note: In Ontario, Canada this month there are prostitution-related laws which have been deemed unfair or unconstitutional so much so that they may be struck from the books as early as next week.
For clarity, "prostitution" at its core is quite legal in Canada but the civic leaders have circumvented the effects of that legality in many arenas by making most means of "communicating" for the purposes of prostitution unlawful. Indeed it is true that you can legally go anywhere in Canada and take phone calls on a wall telephone before going to visit your clients who will then pay you for sex. That element of prostitution is legal but just about any other form of same is not legal. For example, it is illegal to trade money for sex in a place where that is done repeatedly (meaning a steady stream of men cannot legally come to a woman’s apartment to pay her for sex). It is also illegal to communicate in a public place for the purposes of prostitution. (this includes streets, sidewalks, the inside of cars (which are in plain, public view, and on public streets), and even cell phones (which could, presumably, be picked-up perhaps by two kids with tin cans and a long piece of string??).
The potential alteration of the laws in Ontario very soon would eliminate those hinderances to the world’s oldest profession and hopefully find it less concentrated in various pockets of society there.
The sense behind eliminating those bylaws is that they are plainly discriminatory toward both women and toward the poor. If one woman has the means through which she can buy a computer, a vehicle and a wall phone in order to run her prostitution business within the bounds of the law, and other, similarly willing women can’t afford the structure necessary to run a lawful small business operation that way, then the rules are discriminatory (toward the drug-addicted legal teen who sleeps in doorways and sells her once-sought-after body for her next fix).
Furthermore, because of the fact that the outdoor trade there is now illegal in just about every aspect, those in the prostitution underworld need to congregate together both to preserve what little safety they can find and to inspire would-be johns to survey the available ladies in one area known to all. Clearly there is greater danger in the usually-poorest neighborhoods less armed to do battle against urban blight than are their richer suburban enclaves. This tends to enhance potential danger to female sex workers.
Nobody wants their neighborhood to be the one unceremoniously chosen for the night time sex trade and it is the concentration of the sex trade that tends to sully the neighborhood in ways which give the local citizens every right to be upset about it.
Change things to allow a mid-twenties mainstream woman who is a bit short on rent that month to stand on a street corner in a middle-class neighborhood to make $100 that could mean the difference between paying rent and becoming homeless, and the sexual encounter may indeed take place in front of your house someday. However, there would be far less concentration of these sexual encounters to where finding one used condom on your block would be possible, but finding two there would be extremely improbable. (unlike the way it is now in select areas)
And yes, I know that you would prefer to never find or view a used condom not resulting from your own pleasure.
We live in a world where all sorts of crazy studies and surveys are done to monitor discrimination done unto various ethnic groups but there are few people to whom working prostitutes are important enough to inspire similar studies on their behalf.
Hopefully the canadian laws will be struck down and a new social experiment can evolve forward over time. It remains true that most prostitution there will happen completely indoors and totally out of sight to all but the most aware citizens. It is just silly that a country in which prostitution is legal, spends so much time policing prostitution.
Recently a long-time resident of my favorites list showed me a link to a former Open Diarist (sporting over 200 entries) having been arrested for prostitution-related crimes as well as for human trafficking. This resulted from her and her boyfriend having held an 18yo girl captive while forcing her to have
sex with clients. Obviously that is a terrible destiny to force upon anybody and if she was a co-conspirator then she deserves whatever comes to her in the way of a jail sentence.
The young woman’s evolution from Open Diarist to the underworld first caught my eye when she became a stripper some years ago. This regular-seeming, small-town woman with an eye-catching face decided at age 18 or 19 that she wanted to become a stripper. She had far-reaching visions for herself which even I found quite ambitious. Yet within 9 months she found herself overseas with some sort of a contract to work as a stripper in a far-flung and isolated location.
The teen wrote very effectively at our own Open Diary while trying to reconcile the fast money she made stripping with the fact that she was thousands of miles away from the society she had always known.
Eventually she returned to North America where she continued to take her clothes off and dance for a living. As the economy went south so did her nightly earnings and at some point along the way she stepped across a previously-resisted line and began to sell her sexual company.
In time she switched blogs away from OD but still maintained quite a telling journal of her impressively ambitious efforts at prostituting herself on the national market. She would make declarations of trips to one big city after another on the seaboards and in the midwest all the while inviting readers to schedule sessions at prices sometimes over $400 per hour. She adopted a glitzy-seeming stage name for herself and peddled her wares with an aura that seemed to feed upon itself. Her travel itinerary was demanding and yet somehow she juggled the life of jet-setter and fashionista who usually wore the sharpest attire and was usually primped and poised for her gentleman callers.
As that journaled account of her high-class prostitution journey ended she was still scheduling far-away weekends during which men could schedule blocks of her time, at no less than $250 or $300 per hour and often more. As for me, I just can’t see spending $300 or $400 an hour on a woman when there are so many others in any urban market who are happy to share their time, their company, and their sexual favors for $150 to $200 per hour.
There is an empty block of time of perhaps a year, unaccounted for, in this woman’s journey, but she did at some point spend time and reside in a big, western city before next surfacing in the legal pages as the seeming live-in girlfriend to a long-targeted "pimp".
There is probably more to this story, and perhaps the person who shared the link with me (largely as she had nobody else in her life with whom she could converse about such information) will be inspired to write more of her own accounts of having actually met this fellow OD’er.
She could keep her own diary controversy-free and pen her original thoughts to be posted here if so desired…
hello. and, i read this
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Well, I appreciate the update, some of these things just amaze the hell out of me…
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RYN: Nope… My dad didn’t die. Im looking forward to a lot of things in the future. Can’t go anywhere but up from here.
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RYN: I don’t get what you were getting at with that rant. I’m not a working girl. As for what’s developing with Scott, that has nothing do with our initial business relationship of photographer and model, because we had nothing sexual going on then. This is why I don’t like your notes a lot of the time because you tend to be long winded whether you know the whole story or not.
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RYN: Plus if I write everything out in the open and someone close me does read it it gives them a chance to correct me when my perception of their actions or words is wrong. It allows me to be more honest with them when I can’t do so vocally.
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RYN: The desire between Scott and myself is actually based off of how well we understand each other emotionally and mentally. He’s the type that if that understanding isn’t there he wouldn’t be interested in pursuing a sexual or any other type relationship with them.
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RYN: I’m not saying Lucas has to emulate the others. I’m saying I don’t like the fact that he is trying to be like the others. I’m happy with him being him, but he isn’t what I want in a good relationship, although he’s what I would want in a friend. It’s not his job to copy cat another guy, it’s his job to be himself and to go from there, but that’s not what he’s doing.
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RYN: You don’t know the whole story because i haven’t been writing a daily account of it due to time constraints. there are feelings and thoughts and moments that have been left out of entries because there isn’t enough time to write about them in detail. If there was time the story would be more well rounded and easier to see.
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RYN: I’m not cornering Lucas and I’m not asking to be anything he’s not. I don’t want him to change for me, I want him to change for him. I do credit him for his actions, however they need be for his own good, not just to keep me around because doing it for me is just superficial and that’s not what a loving relationship should be.
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RYN: The fact that he is only doing it now, when he feels his stability with me is threatened, shows me that he was never really appreciative of what he had before now.
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Ryn: I didn’t think I looked body builderesque?! Really? I thought I was looking curvy. Dave disagreed with your observation and I want more tone so I guess it just shows that we all have difference tastes. I am just grateful to feel strong again after being debilitated from a Caesarian section and grade 3 separation of my abdominal muscles. Feels empowering to be honest. Broad spectrum sexual
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Appeal has never been my goal. I’m a niche market kind of girl all-round.
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I already said it was Tennessee…you even commented! Now my state of confusion? That’s a different matter entirely…
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alazar’s updated
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We were shooting at things in Louisiana!!!! Gahhh!!!! 🙂
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Yes, thank goodness I know that the insecurity I’m feeling isn’t real, it’s just a product of my hormones, lol. It doesn’t make me feel much better though.. I hate feeling insecure. Real or not.
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with the hose
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yea. and eat doritos. especially after i stop spending all my time w loser dudes. i do chat sometimes but i’m actually about to shower and read a book for the night.
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RYN: thanks !!!
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