Unique camraderie among working girls
Consider that working girls are drawn toward one another for overlapping reasons which often double as reasons why those working girls dissociate with the rest of society.
* Other working girls know what you do, while most try to keep that a secret from everybody else
* Working girls rooming together helps to create a natural safety net, while eliminating the chance of a disapproving roommate
* In many/most areas, working girls process the same core group of guys and can gain in various ways for being able to share details and vouch to one another as to a john’s reputation
* Some working girls insist on "references" for each client, from within the business, and thus they tend to dial around and contact one another for such reasons
* It is usually a good idea that working girls in a certain area have some sort of a community "bad date" list, which is always a joint contribution
* The business of prostitution can often be a lonely one for the women involved as well. The strange custom of quickly sharing their sexual side with men causes them to lose track of the more ideal-for-most path through "courtship" or the like toward more serious romance and a steady, monogamous partner. Indeed many working girls are physically/sexually sated by the steady traffic (don’t confuse that with orgasmic release) and yet caused to be very lonely for not wishing to look at men in the same way anytime soon, if ever.
* There are so very many unique-to-prostitution bits of information that it makes sense for the girls to trade (some examples are which hotels are difficult to fool for very long, how to shield their stream of income from both their families/parents and from the tax man (should they dodge tax responsibilities), how to turn away incessant calls and approaches from pimps, how to deal with having been "outed" to family and close friends, how to juggle children and making time for seeing clients (sometimes this involves two working girls who are each parents – trading off babysitting chores))
Those factors are compounded by many/most of the women having had abusive pasts and their not being used to being treated fairly or treating others fairly. I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen major cat fights take place via message posts on the internet message boards for prostitution-related connections. Today I was reading such a situation where one particular woman quit prostitution 3 or 4 years ago, met a man through a legitimate job, then later married that man. At some point early in their relationship the ex-working girl foolishly told her future husband about her time as a hooker, and then went so far as to show him the local message board for the business.
They ended up having a couple of kids together and recently the woman found herself back on the local working girl message board, suddenly broadcasting to the board that she had just phoned the police to tell them that "prostitution would soon occur at a certain hotel in a certain room". In theory this would let the very few girls who would see her message not respond to calls from the number she gave. Come to learn that this was her now-cheating husband who was soon to dial for sex with a woman from her old stomping grounds.
Some of the present working girls chewed her out for causing anybody in the business to be busted, and the ex-working girl called them whores and tried to belittle them for "opening their legs and mouths for a living". At the same time the ex-working girl explained that it was because she was tired of being the inspiration for adultery that she quit turning tricks a few years back, and pointed out that they were "immoral".
It amused me that the enraged wife had collectively offered so much information to the board over time that it was easy to figure out her full name, date of birth, phone number, pictures of her husband and young toddlers, and even her pet’s name. Maybe it is fair to suggest that a lot of these troubled youth of the past weren’t exactly the brightest people out there, and that the fraternal friendships they formed so often multiply the effects of anybody’s shortcomings.
At times I’ve met working girls who were friends when I was out roaming the streetcorners but outside of a stealth documentation of perhaps which car/license a "friend" went with at a certain time, I never saw the direct effects any one party had on the other.
A long while ago I once answered a Craigslist ad and evolved to drive near to somebody’s shared work condo before phoning them again upon arrival to get the exact room number. I recall having arrived very late in the evening (past 1:00am for a pre-arranged ‘date’) and being greeted by two roommates, one of which was pre-selected as my company for the next hour or two.
We had a seeming ‘interview’ right then and there, and I’m quite sure that there was never a vibe of hesitation on any of the three sides. It was made clear that the other girl would remain in the condo and that she would knock on the door when our hour or two was up.
The older woman I was with was by far the more tame of the pair, and the other had been the friend whose dalliance in prostitution created a segue for the newly-divorced woman I was seeing to earn enough money to get her on her feet.
I still e-mail and interact with that older woman… who is older yet as of this point. She has paired-off with another long-term relationship guy and it has been a few years since she quit turning tricks. Her latest report on the "roommate" was that the roomy had moved a considerable distance away and was in a rocky relationship, and proooooooobably out of the world’s oldest profession by now.
The crazy stories I sometimes read about the interactions between working girls are quite volatile even when not involving direct conflicts over various clients. Not only that, but in these economic times it is likely that most like-minded women will stay in the business longer that might have been the case just 5 or 10 years ago. Friendships and rivalries have more time to form and implode, while the working girls involved are on average getting younger and younger with less social experience. That their core clientele is comprised of a group perhaps getting smaller and smaller with the economy and with regard to who can afford the discressionary funds needed only adds to the potential problems.
In many ways working girls need one another, because were the number of available working girls to be dwarfed by the demand for their services then the work would be constant and they would truly become unable to tell one client from the next. Indeed there are always newly-legal women coming of age every week and that keeps the industry on its toes but the very unique bond between women who are marginalized by society as a whole will always be there, for better or for worse.
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I guess it would be hard to have true relationships with people outside of the industry considering how judgmental people could be if being told of their type of employment…
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I never thought about the fact that us women tend to bond together over things we have in common, this case prostitution, and interests in other cases, but you’re exactly right, we need each other to survive no matter what. very interesting
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Hi John, I’m thrilled by your news about your friend of the past. I really think it is a good sign that she reached out and I hope that it’ll extend into a meeting…wouldn’t it be wonderful?! it is always a pleasure to learn you’re still remembered and appreciated. I sincerely wish for you to find your friendship with this woman stood the test of time for both of you. will wait to hear more!hugs
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While I know people have their own reasons to prostitute, er… I just cannot get over people being paid for sex. I know people use it as a living and might enjoy it but it’s just crazy to me. I’ve read every single one of your entries (as you well know) and cannot wrap my head around what these people are thinking. At least the oldest profession lives on and thrives. 🙂 I don’t know if you caught an entry a few back, about the whole pacemaker heart failure issues… but that’s a story for another day. I really do enjoy your entries though, they make me think.
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Makes perfect sense to me that they’d band together online.
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RYN: I know, he was so much like a walking stereotype, I couldn’t believe it. And, thank you 🙂
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I really enjoy reading your diary..it is fresh and interesting…can’t wait to see what else you are going to write about
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lol, I read my entry and your note like 5-10 times before I finally realized that I had actually written alcohohol. I was like, what is he talking about, the extra “ho”?
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Why did you leave 6 notes on my entry…?
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RYN: As far as I’m concerned, Kate Moss is just an aging clothes-horse.
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RYN: Kate Moss was probably maligned because she was very beautiful in that kind of youthful, seemingly-untainted way, and females are nasty when they’re jealous. Then she was probably maligned for her choice in lifestyle and boyfriend. I’d have disliked her for that too, but I can sort of see the appeal of drugs and Pete Doherty. Recklessness is fun.
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Anyways, it’s none of my business what Kate Moss does on her own time; who am I to judge? With regards to that girl whose entry you left six notes on, perhaps explain that you were trying to express the needlessness of her punishing herself in the way that she is. She needs to either wise up on her own, or get support. You were just trying to make her see in a less blunt way than I have.
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RYN: Maybe she ran with it because she was that way genetically. I know that personally, I can’t gain more than a few lbs in weight even if I try extremely hard to do so. Some women just have that sort of metabolism, which is why it’s unfair for society to skewer them for being the weight that their genetics have decided that they will be. So many jealous women will cry, “You starve yourself”…
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… when in fact, that isn’t the case at all.
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RYN- yes. quite a normal sight over there. and it fascinates me as well.
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ryn;; So, what is the magic number of bitsy burgers to order at a White Castle? The closest we’ve got is their frozen version from the store & ohmyGOD, they made the whole house smell like onions for days.I am suspicious of their motives.
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