The 18yo lady of the evening is pregnant again!!

Remember her? From this past winter? Someone I met a small number of times beginning at roughly the 7-month mark of her pregnancy? Well internet research shows that the young woman, who delivered a healthy daughter in mid-January became pregnant again in late March!

I definitely have her contact info in various forms and will certainly make an effort to see her at least once prior to her Christmas time due date.

Last time I saw her advertising sex for hire was in the middle of May but I have a vibe that she’ll return to the world’s oldest profession at such a time as when her expenses go over her budget. Even if I don’t see this young woman formally advertising on Craigslist or the like I would still go ahead and contact her about the chance that we might rendezvous privately. She knows me to be relatively harmless and wouldn’t expect to have to put forth too much special effort to pad her bank account by $500 so she just might be open to the idea.

In some ways it seems funny that one need be extremely careful when offering money for sex, whether illegal or not, because such a request is highly offensive to most people and yet women like this new mom probably almost expect past clients to resurface and make inquiries, which they field discreetly.

While she was understandably immature, I enjoyed just about everything about that teenage mom-to-be during what were four different visits up until about ten days prior to her due date. Based on her personality and her sense of the world around her I am not surprised that she is pregnant again so quickly, due for a second child not terribly long after turning nineteen.

It may even be a product of the "easy money" that she perceives as coming her way quite steadily when she puts her mind, body and effort to it. The young woman’s body was ripe with the firmness of youth and with the glow of impending motherhood and while I listened intently to details, I don’t think that she was deeply engaged by our conversations.

Our sessions together were mutually relaxing and of the sort not very taxing to an expectant mother for whom birth was imminent. I quite enjoyed the way she relaxed and took considerable pleasure from oral sex offered by my eager tongue.

I can’t really imagine her much different roughly a year later and I hope I don’t perceive her to have been any further hardened by the hard knocks of prostitution. Though with time and continued participation that may be inevitable.

Elsewhere, I just read a final tell-off by a working girl who had been in the business for a few years and who was as of this announcement quitting "for good". On her way out the door she mentioned men with smelly and otherwise offensive body parts before saluting them with a final "fuck you". This was interesting mostly because it is so rarely the choice of retiring working girls, to go out with such a verbal bang.

Clearly this woman had experienced the harshness of what seem like matter-of-fact reviews of her body, attitude and services of the sort which would make most people feel pretty small. As observed by me she was just a healthy-sized white woman with ample bosom who didn’t seem to have apparent flaws when not viewed and reviewed by someone who had spent his evening phoning petite asian prostitutes with no success.

Indeed the woman was disenchanted by the entire male species and she didn’t hesitate to describe herself that way. I was somewhat fascinated by her message mostly because other women in her shoes usually opt not to tell it like it really is in their minds.

I’d have to believe that the woman in question is somewhat responsible for many of the choices she made along the way, and surely others who worked as prostitutes during the same period of time in the same city did not come away with the same deep wounds.

No doubt prostitution is very tough on people, yet there seems to be a downplaying of the importance of ones own sexuality that so often comes from "the past" which tends to help many working girls adjust better than others adjust.

Prostitution is always going to be an open door to (mostly) women everywhere, and whether the law clamps down or not there will still be ample opportunity in the sex trade.

The retired woman was perhaps somewhere near to age 30, and I suppose there is a chance that my young, pregnant prostitute may evolve to see far more trying times in this business than the retiree ever did. I don’t say that for reasons related to the personality of either one, but to illustrate that what one woman was deeply impacted by over a few years, might be much more near to the norm for her younger counterpart in the world’s oldest profession.

This has been the mindset of a John

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July 9, 2010

2 babies under 1… I can’t imagine anything WORSE!!!!!!! Oh dear!!

July 9, 2010

This begs the obvious question…why the f*ck doesn’t she get on birth control?? She can’t possibly be WANTING to get pregnant by random customers, right?

July 12, 2010

nice reading you again