Prostitution definition (& how to pay for college)

Prostitution must include direct cash or barter for sexual activity, or so say U.S. laws. Well, maybe I can’t even state that as written. Perhaps instead I should use "… as U.S. laws are interpreted".


That is to suggest that if I offer you a can of Coca Cola, a Quarter Pounder, and a package of Oreo cookies for $8, and offer an alternative which would be the same can of Coca Cola, the same Quarter Pounder, the same package of Oreo cookies and a night with a fully desirable sex provider for $1008, the latter is NOT seen as "prostitution" in the U.S.

Today I read the most interesting article linked here. The story is centered around the thousands of people who use the website That and similar websites are places where usually well-heeled men and young, attractive, adult women interact for what almost always boils down to the legal exchange of sex for money. What is most laughable about the story linked is the scores of people involved who somehow do not define what they share as prostitution. I can appreciate somewhat the idea that the legal interpretations of same can’t clamp down on these liasons as prostitution – just like I can appreciate that the performers at the local strip club are classified as artists in the eyes of the First Amendment. The performers are, still, "strippers", are they not??

I also happen to like the idea that young adults who have the will and the appeal to barter their sexual company for considerable amounts of money have the avenues through which they can arrange those transactions. At the website linked above, interested young women are known as "sugar babies" while, of course, the well-monied men are "sugar daddies". The website boasts 100,000 "sugar daddies" and a staggering "700,000" would-be "sugar babies" perhaps willing to sell it all to help with college tuition.

On the first page of the story one young (prostitute) tells of having "just done what needed to be done" and that reminds me of the then-single mom who doubled as my favorite working girl from the start of this diary, who stated more than once: "I just do what I have to do".

An enjoyable line in the story linked above was uttered by a man said to be in his late 60’s, in reference to the "25 and under" women he prefers to meet through the website. He said: "But I can’t walk into a bar and go up to a 25-year-old. They’d think I’m a pervert. So, this is how I go about meeting them."

I really don’t mind the idea of a man much older than I am liking to have sex with willing women of 25 and under, and of course such sexual encounters aren’t likely to excite the young women involved so it also makes sense that something should balance things more in their favor (the money, obviously).

Indeed we are living in tough economic times and yet the same numbers of new adults are coming of age daily and wanting to make their way in college just as their older siblings and parents did in the past. Few parents ever sit down with their kids and say: "well, I was going to send you to university, but times are tough now so you’re just not going to get to go". And what motivates a kid to get better grades during the first two years of high school if not the idea of being accepted to college somewhere?

I am somewhat impressed by the idea that more than 700,000 young adult women have signed-on to be "sugar babies" at this website. Of course it is free for young women to join and put up a profile, so a lot of them might just be experimentational, at least in the beginning. According to the story, at least 250 UCLA coeds are registered as potential "sugar babies" at Not only that, but the story cites "231" women from Harvard registered as well (Cal. @ Berkeley 193, USC 183). I say good for them, especially if they can get away with it beneath the legal radar.

Of course this reeks of economic discrimination against those in our society who are more clearly prostitutes (I.E. – you don’t get the can of Coca Cola, the Quarter Pounder, or the package of Oreos with her sexual favors). Are women who are paying for college simply "better" than is the young mother merely trying to put food on the table for her toddler?

Is it because these people pretend (at least at first) to maintain some interest in one another outside of a good fuck, which determines their worthiness to not be prosecuted as having participated in acts of prostitution?

Apparently websites like are the only dating websites on which the numbers of women steadily exceed the numbers of men registered.

The story later gives mock economic scenarios for young college women before concluding: "It’s tough to pay that amount of debt down, live in a decent city and still be able to socialize and do fun things. At some point, you’ll have to start making some major sacrifices". I wonder if he should have told that to the scores of Americans who are those mostly responsible for the rapid snowballing of the recent economic recession.

Again, I don’t mind at all when a woman sells her sexual desirability and her sexual favors to finance whatever she has in mind, and while I’d much rather it be college than drugs, it is probably wrong to discriminate based on factors beyond the point of sale. What if a McDon

alds worker were allowed to keep your change if it could be determined that you were just going to give it to the hobo sitting out front?

A college professor cited in the story "often finds that women turn to sex work when, in their professional lives, they’re unable to make ends meet." Of course! That’s the way of the world… and it is merely an option available to them, for which I am grateful.

That men have such options in far fewer numbers is a function of the world social setting in which men are always chasing and women are usually very protective of their sexual favors. Some scandinavian countries have taken to making it a crime to buy sex, but not a crime to sell sex. Once again, if we continue to gently "approve" of prostitutes then it makes no sense to outlaw the very thing that qualifies them as such. That in much the same way that society gently approves of child abuse (in not making stricter laws and enforcing harsher penalties) and then puts past victims of that child abuse in double jeopardy (by basically outlawing their opportunity to make a living in a vocation for which that previous abuse effectively qualified them).

Additionally, I find it amusing that the rates paid by the "sugar daddies" to what are perhaps more refined, and undoubtedly fresher prospects, are considerably less than their prostitute brethren tend to make for the same amount of time/work/effort. I guess some of that is justified by the barely-legal element of the transactions (less risk, less pay).

On the opposite side, one young "sugar baby" tells of an executive who "regularly gives her $2500 for a night of dinner and sex" (and how many times in one night can one have dinner?).

A private attorney in Las Vegas who specializes in first amendment issues affirms that in order for an exchange to be classified as prostitution there has to be a clear "meeting of the minds" that the arrangement is a quid pro quo, or exchange of sex for money. Absent an immediate sex-for-pay exchange, the legal waters grow far murkier.

One young interviewee mentioned in the story said: "I’m not a whore. Whores are paid by the hour, can have a high volume of clients in a given day, and it’s based on money, not on who the individual actually is. There’s no feeling involved and the entire interaction revolves around a sexual act,"

That is someone who is considerably off the mark in her understanding. When one client is paying "$2500 a night" then one need not see "a high volume of clients in a given day".


I still wholly endorse women who are blessed with a commodity being allowed to barter with that commodity of their own free will. All of the feminists who love to grouse about the seeming inequality between men and women in the workplace and other arenas will at some point need to take away the regulations and let the societal waters find their natural level. Perhaps only then can we talk of true "equality" between the sexes.


I have long believed that much of the unique-to-today societal upheaval is the result of a slow evolution toward that equality, perhaps begun in North America about the time of World War II, at such a point as when women entered the workforce in large numbers. Once women could become independent of men, they had many new avenues opened to them, yet it was a slow evolution when parenting still involved mothers who’d learned parenting from ‘traditional’ women.


In 2011 we are finally realizing more pronounced changes on a path which may cover nearly all of 100 years before the equality of women alters the various "balances" in the society we used to know. Prominent among those ancient balances is the disparity between the supply and demand for female sexuality vs. that of males. Eventually evening that particular lack of "equality" is what prostitution is all about.




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I dislike that this is centered around women. Lots of men also sell themselves. It makes it sound as though women are stupid and giving themselves for money to buy lipstick or other trinkets. And the idea of prostitution to pay for college? It’s called student loans. yeah, they suck, but so does getting AIDS or winding up dead. I’d rather take the 4% interest, thank you very much. [fight2fit]

August 1, 2011

People will do anything to get ahead. Love the entry.

August 1, 2011

Wonderful entry, thanks for your post.

August 1, 2011

I don’t think Fight2Fit realizes jus how bad the ecomomy is out there. I think there are PLENTY of woman (and men) taking desperate measures to get by. Its not about paying for lipstick, its about keeping a roof over your head. Trivial things like trinkets are the last things on most peoples minds these days when gas is $4 a gallon, and were only making $7.25 an hour.

August 1, 2011

To unsigned noter. It’s been proven that when prostitution is legalized the rate of stds are extremely low. How is sleeping with a john any different than sleeping with a husband that buys you a diamond ring? And what makes you think your man or your woman won’t give you a disease due to their cheating?

August 1, 2011

It ain’t my thing, I couldn’t go through with it but… I wasn’t put on this planet to judge the choices of other competent consenting adults, you know? There’s a whole lotta things out there that aren’t my thing that I understand others should have the right to engage in despite my personal dislike of the situation. The show FAMILY GUY, for example. It’s the television equivalent of syphillis but I understand I don’t have the right to pass a law banning it. That ain’t how human liberty is supposed to work.

Very good entry. Thought-provoking and very detailed. You should write books, your eloquence and attentions to detail when you explain your subject matter are very intriguing. I’ve seen one other site as that seekingarrangement. I don’t remember what it was – but I did try placing a profile just for fun. Fake name, no pic, and some education details plus work details. Fake of course. But I didn’t lie about my age – that was a few years ago. And despite lying about my country name, I did mention I was asian mix. I did place range of men’s age : 55 to 60. And boy, did I receive some responses! Of course they wanted my profile pic up soonest possible, and most were so rich that could afford what my condition was ie, during the “tenure of the arrangement” I wanted to be “housed” in a fully furnished condo at elite address in the country I said I was staying in. In south east asia. They had no problem with that, they’ld pay the rent, and if things progressed it’s possible to grant the condo to me as one of the gifts!!

Contd Of course I deleted my fake profile after I’ve fulfilled my curiosity.

But how is it that girls under Escorts agencies are deem legal and yet they also provide sexual services…? And yet those offering services at the streets are deem illegal?

August 1, 2011

I’m glad we have a Higher Education Contribution Scheme (student loans) that you don’t have to pay back until your salary reaches $40k and then it’s only 3.5% of salary deducted automatically. I think the fact women are often more vulnerable to economic disadvantage so that prostitution provides one of the only options ringer ahead, is a sad state of affairs.

August 1, 2011

Hehe autocorret changed ‘to get’ into ‘ringer’. Not the first time I’ve used a word that didn’t make sense.

Prostitution is still and always will be prostitution. And the result that young and old get from selling their bodies usually is either violent or controlling. No amount of money is worth it and using “college” as an excuse for needing the money-that doesn’t work either. No one in our society “needs” college that much that they need to sell their own bodies. continued

the men and women who sell their bodies with the excuse or reasoning that it is for college are NO different than the prostitutes on the streets that use their money for make up or food or travel or whatever they “need” the money for. Bottom line is that MILLIONS of people have found ways to support themselves without selling their bodies and those high or low class or college class prostitutes

(continued) they should find a better way also.

August 2, 2011

I have a couple of points of pedantry. I would suggest that the selling of groceries and sex for $1008 still involves, “direct cash or barter for sexual activity”. Buying sex and junk food doesn’t mean sex hasn’t been purchased does it? One might argue that it would be legal to sell the groceries for $1008 and throw in the sex free, but I’d say one would be on pretty shaky legal ground there.

August 2, 2011

@mama kin: If you tell people “It’s been proven that when prostitution is legalized the rate of stds are extremely low”, no one is likely to believe you if you don’t provide some kind of reference. A high volume of partners increases the risk of infections spreading. Legalising prostitution won’t change that.

August 2, 2011

Nicely written.

August 2, 2011

I will not be shameful in saying that this is the BEST readers choice in a long, long time. You’re honest and now ashamed, those are amazing qualities you don’t see in people too much anymore. Until next time, Laura

August 2, 2011

As a graduate student, I understand the finacial difficulties facing many young people today. I understand the appeal of the exchange of sex and money. It is not my “personality” to actually do this but I do not look down upon those who do. This entry is well written and articualte; great job expressing your view and this topic.

I am a female college student and I won’t have financial aid this year. I find it abhorrent to have to take out loans since it means that when I graduate I will have to start to pay them back even when I may not have a job. I’d still rather take out loans than whore out my body, but if it comes down to me not going to college and putting my body out there so I can go I would do it. There are few things more important than education. I’m glad that in my situation I won’t have to make that decision.

August 2, 2011
August 2, 2011

I have to disagree with one of the unsigned noters. There is a big demand for a college education. Most people in our country do need college. The only alternative that I can think of besides student loans is not going to school for a semester and trying to save up for college. Studies show that once you’ve missed a semester or a year you are likely to not go back.

August 2, 2011

RYN: Thank you! I think the Amish comment would have been more convincing if I hadn’t been holding my BlackBerry, but such is life. If you want to know what my accent’s like, I did a video a couple of entries back. It’s pretty much just British.

August 2, 2011

RYN: Crikey, that entry’s a blast from the past. I have Body dysmorphic disorder. I couldn’t deal with it very well back then, and it got worse before it got better.

August 2, 2011

You have so much info about this, you could write a book. Do you think prostitution should be legal? :0

August 3, 2011

ryn: I’ve been in school for so much of my life that I can only think of my life in school years most of the time, which is why I outlined the chapters that way.

August 4, 2011

RYN: I had a diff OD 10 years ago. I stopped writing in 2003 and I deleted it. I’ve been so busy reading your diary I haven’t really changed anything from the standard settings. All fixed now 🙂