Picked-up fave working girl ten years ago today!

Indeed it was at 1:00 am on December 5 ten years ago that I chanced upon the person whose unique-for-sex-work personality inspired me to begin this diary. I remember there being three women around a square block given what I observed while circling in my car. Fate just allowed that I would walk in one direction and first encounter the woman standing alone before I went the other way to learn more about the pair who were together at curbside.

I still recall the person who has since been referenced here as "my favorite prostitute" standing in a telephone booth from which she cooed: "would you like some company?"

I paused and considered: "maybe I would…"

She just seemed so comfortable and sure of herself and it made such a great impression on me as we scooted away from the area in the relative warmth of the car. Heading toward my motel room she suggested directions and then said: "… or which ever way you prefer" (indeed a nice touch).

That woman was exceptional upon arrival at the room where we shared a warm shower before I followed her under the sheets for a warming embrace.

As attractive as she was, my favorite girl never came across as somebody who flaunted her sex appeal in real-life situations. Of course it is fair to wear something form-fitting and provocative when you’re in direct competition with the other women at curbside for the next business transaction driving by. And indeed I saw once or twice this same gem of a personality rocking what she called a "cat suit" (black, one-piece, form-fitting, and emphasizing her ultra-impressive derriere) while she was out on the job late at night.

I was fortunate enough to meet her many times on evenings when I was to be her only customer and she took the opportunity to dress casually without needing to vamp it up. It was always fun to drive across town and fetch her before returning to our regular room for 3 hours of personal comfort.

Hard to guess what that woman is doing these days – a decade later – after she publically "retired" from the oldest profession as of the beginning of 2005 or so. One interesting part of prostitution is that you never really get to cross-reference young and desirable prostitutes of today with their personalities ten, twenty, or forty years later. They so often take their secrets and never reveal… not even to the closest confidants. The stigma is just too lethal.

I’m not sure how capable my favorite girl is at choosing mates. Her first major relationship never got a chance to be tested for longevity through no fault of her own. She is certainly somebody who could inspire a beau to stay on the straight and narrow for an extra-long time yet I don’t quite know enough about her own family background to anticipate whether or not she goes for good, stables guys or whether the "bad boy" persona is something she finds alluring.

On the grand scale of our lives, that woman was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of my league on every level, so there is exactly nothing in my imagination that ever causes me to wonder "what if…" where it concerns her. Even though it sucks, I am somebody who tends to have a reasonable idea just where he fits in terms of a social mate, and I can’t truly envision myself seriously aiming too high.

That reminds me of once walking down a well-populated-late-at-night street in the district and encountering an impeccably-dressed blond woman who asked if I’d like a date. Stunned at the mere thought of it, I responded: "first I’d have to be able to envision myself with the likes of you before I could ever accept the offer". I kept walking.

Not because I wouldn’t have had a grand time being initiated to her charms, but because the quest out there for working girls usually begins long before hitting the local roads. Such evenings usually begin long before, when making the time available, planning the initial route, and deciding whether to have a motel room at the ready just in case…

These days "warm-ups" are comprised of browsing online websites at which various internet-only working girls are plying their trade and offering their company for a listed price. This is a far cry better than the old, singular alternative of dialing some "escort service" in the phone book, each represented by a silhouette drawing of a curvy feminine figure. At least one can determine good relative value given the prices listed online as well as gain a grand sense of individuality based on the offered photos (nearly all of which are indeed flattering to the working girl).

The women who are content enough to be themselves, and offer their own uninhibited company always make for the best "dates". Thankfully that isn’t a trait unique to the blond stunners who occupy the most expensive blocks in the district, and as such, I’m perfectly content to search everywhere else for a better value.

As was the case with my favorite prostitute from ten years ago, my favorite encounters out there have always been with single moms (or similar women, from the real world, and) with bills to pay and who are willing to trade some of their sexual favors for a particular amount of direct financial help.

No question that the business of prostitution puts an ‘edge’ on just about all women who have done that sort of work, and those who have not seemed to be completely put-off by that process seem to make for the best company, be it for a quick car date or for something more substantial.

Not long ago I read online of a working girl crying out in a bulletin board post for mere friends and confidants whom she could trust enough to confide in about the daily workings of prostitution. When you have to separate so much of your life from what you would hope could be your public persona, it leaves much to be desired where it concerns the human mind.

Luckily for the men involved as "johns" in the business of prostitution they can go out and satisfy their immediate interests and needs and then return to their other worlds relatively unscathed. Prostitution, for them, occupys only a couple of hours each week or each month. The women, by contrast, are involved in some way during most of their waking hours.

Today, while browsing the ‘net, I spotted the familiar face and body of a woman of about 22 whom I know to have been steadily active as a prostitute since probably before she actually turned 18. She grew up not far away from my area and her early online nude photos were taken in what may well have been her childhood bedroom.

Thankfully that girl is active online only and doesn’t walk the strip at night, but it still seems quite likely that she has lived a whole lot more than her 22 years would imply. I’m happy to report that I seldom if ever witness in that girl any of the never-ending drama that exists where prostitutes meet johns on the internet. She’s just a reasonably attractive young woman who appeals to her set of admirers, and they in turn keep her earning what I guess is a reasonable living.

The woman I met ten years ago today was just a gentle soul who had the impressive ability to let each individual situation dictate her own demeanor and for that I have given thanks many times.

I hope you are out there and doi

ng well, MFP !!

– J.


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Happy Anniversary, first of all 🙂 What a beautifully written and interesting post. This part: “When you have to separate so much of your life from what you would hope could be your public persona, it leaves much to be desired where it concerns the human mind.” is my favorite. I can certainly relate to this. You make an intriguing contrast between the johns’ vs. the women’s level of involvement in the business. ryn: Yes, my picker is quite malfunctioning. I am in the process of fixing it. And my attempt at listening to Loveline has gone as far as me visiting the links you sent me, finding one that suited me, clicking the links only to be asked to pay a membership, more rummaging around, making mental notes as to when to tune in to the free shows, and then forgetting by the time I am at home, at that time, to turn on the computer and find the broadcast. It’s the same reason why I can’t follow “favorite” TV shows either. BUT, it has not slipped my mind in the overall sense, I do very much want to get in the habit of listening to the show, based on your recommendation.

December 6, 2010

I love the way you remember your first 🙂

December 6, 2010

congratulations on your ten years!

ryn: If photos happen to be taken this weekend (at Aria’s bday party) maybe I’ll put some up…. MAYBE. 😛

happy anniversary would be appropriate to say here…I like to think that she might also remember you, John, even if it is just in my imagination 🙂 …a beautifully poignant entry – nice tribute… {hugs} Lana

I’ve accidentally opened those kinds of emails before, never clicked on anything, but maybe just opening them has the same effect… I’m going to have to just switch email accounts..

I don’t know about common traits, because he’s the only person with whom I’ve ever had awful sex. It was awful because he was timid, non-assertive, and didn’t even know how to kiss. I never had an orgasm with him. And we were together for around seven years. YEAH. I went to counseling with him because I thought it was my fault, that I didn’t know how to have an orgasm. But I hope he has found a woman with whom he is compatible now. It’s why I have sex with people right away. If the sex is awful then I need to know up front. I’m not interested in “training” somebody. My first husband was like, “I can learn” and I just thought, no, it doesn’t work like that and I’m not going to be the one to do it. And no, 40th percentile ain’t too bad I suppose, lol. My voice…well, I’m softspoken and I have been told that I have a pretty voice. I don’t really have much of a southern drawl, my accent isn’t really too noticeable.

LOL 😀 I understood that you meant it was a worst-case scenario and not the average. Ahhh…intimacy. So much better than fucking. Satisfies such a deeper human need. And I always find it unusual when men claim to love going down on a woman. Why? Because of the pleasure you give to them, which makes you feel….what? Powerful? Approved of? Or…do men actually derive personal pleasure just in the mere act itself…curious….

December 8, 2010

10 years ago… I would have been 11. =]

December 8, 2010

your note honestly made me cry, it might be the lack of well… nothing in my system but I wanted to thank you, thank you for caring, thank you for reading and thank you for being who you are and caring as much as you do even over a diary. Love, Laura

RYN \ None! It was a travesty. 😛

thought, it is unfair that I get notifies when you update Alazar and you’re not. so – consider this is Notify – the diary has been updated 🙂

ryn: I dunno why giving a BJ has become this like semi-scary thing for me.. I’ve never had any serious complaints before.. quite the contrary in fact.. it’s just my mind being retarded. lol

hrmmm…i don’t really understand your last note

hey…just wanted to say – thank you…emotional support is all I need at this point. don’t be too sad, it is not that I’m at the end of my endurance limits, besides, there are people in the World in so much worse situations then I am, I will be okay. And knowing that someone cares enough to listen and understand my worries makes such a difference. thank you. Lana

December 15, 2010

ryn – In the first decade of my [adult] life — I added that “adult” qualifier in case it wasn’t clear. I wanted to ask if you presumed I meant first 10 years as in from birth to age 10 or if you understood the implied first 10 years of adulthood (18-28). What you thought may be what others thought, I don’t think it makes sense to say I refrained from sex as a 10 year old girl but did you orothers think that?

ok got it 🙂 when i cook…key word “when”…i try to cook fresh, and from scratch, nothing pre-packaged

December 15, 2010

ha ha ha, “so many variables” – you almost used my phrase, which is “too many variables” – I like to refer to as ‘TMV’. The daily bane of my life, trying to figure out ANYTHING with all those variables!!! thanks for clarifying the question I had about first 10 years – if you understood I assume others must have too

pftttt!!!!! *chuckles* and, you sound like a costco shopper 😉

ryn: my bad that’s supposed to say “good coat” lol

December 22, 2010

It was fucking COLD yo. Been snowing like a mo fo all day today too.

Hello John, some news shared in Alazar 😉

Do I detect a hint of sarcasm, hmmm??

December 28, 2010

The money is so tempting and you get trapped. I am a truck driving prostitute because I can’t make any other money close to driving that is legal. The fear factor of street trade would keep me way off of it. I have befriended many “lot lizards” as they call them at truck stops. Just to talk with them, let them relax and hide them from the cops. I wish it were legal and regulated. and pot! 😉

Just a test to make sure this doesn’t show up on your comment wall.

I am well, nice to see you still think of me after all these years. If you’d like to email me, we could catch up! aka_dee_1@hotmail.com Just so you know it’s me: City Centre Motel, Vancouver. You dropping me off on Lougheed Hwy after grocery shopping, your generous donation of $500 every time I saw you 🙂 Horses, writing. Cheri.