Old Me, New View Ch 4

I vaguely remember the incident when I was only two years old.  The part of this I do remember is Pawpaw decided to come inside the house with a rifle.  I don’t know if it was loaded or not, go ask my dad, because he ran out his bedroom charging at my grandpa in the front doorway.  I think he was studying.  I do remember my nanny, the wicked aunt, way overweight at the time, covering me with her body to protect me if the rifle had gone off my way.

Pawpaw had a record of course.  He was drunk as usual, and I guess he had one of those alcoholic rages.  He had bad nerves.  My momma told me later on in life it was because of me.  Because I was so bad and didn’t want to listen and behave. And it was my fault cause I made his nerves bad.

Mawmaw used to tell me stories of Pawpaw fighting the “devil” or a demon spirit.  Whatever you want to call it.   She said nothing was there, but she could see him fighting and being cut up and bloody.  Another Pawpaw story he told me himself is he found buried treasures down in the waters of my hometown.   The treasures are cursed and haunted he said.  He made me promise him that I would never go after this treasure or own any of it.  Actually, I never heard of this “treasure” except when him and I spoke about it.  Mawmaw told him not to tell me stuff like that, I was too young.

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