Not Just Something you’ll Go Through

These people have me so confused lately.  My brother-in-law took up for me two days in a row against his mom while I wasn’t around to defend myself.  I went through hell with these people day in and day out.  I know the trauma they caused me in every way possible.  But when you try to tell me that this is just something you go through hell no!  From what I’ve been told on the low this is a pattern that you and your family all put y’all women through.  Kinda like and initiation or hazing like.  First y’all made me lock myself up in fear for my life then y’all took all my stuff from me and not a damn thing was done after I raised that boy’s kids.  Then he got rewarded for it!  No report was filed.  Not even a slap on the wrist from law enforcement.  Nothing to prove that their dad meant business at that point.  “That point” never came yet apparently.

But then you tell me that they had to do this too and the brother and sister-in-law went through this mental illness stuff too.  No, that’s not how this works.  It’s not just something everyone goes through.  I was put in situations that caused me to suffer with these mental illnesses.  If I noticed a changed in someone and I told you about it months ago, why wouldn’t something be said by you to them?  Why wouldn’t you take me out of uncomfortable situations? why would you make me go through that?  Any of it?   Don’t tell me they had to move away to like us.  Don’t tell me they had to cut ties with everyone like we did.  We are not them; they are not us.  You let your kids rule and control your life.  You let both your boys destroy me.  This all could have been avoided from jump had you just been there for me.  I hope the lives of the guys you claim to have been responsible for was worth your marriage.  I hope it was worth the relationship we had.  If that was the reason, there was no need not to tell me about it!  I don’t talk to no one like that! hell I don’t talk to anyone.

No, this is not something you go through and stop comparing me and my mental illnesses with the sister-in-law!  This is what it is, and I stayed.  I stayed through it all.  I loved you. I missed you.  But sometimes I wish we could have known if only you would have moved out the apartment if we would both be better off.  That woman has bipolar!! Now I know I’m not far from but my lord!! Shes always worried someone is hacking her.  she claims herself to be a hacker.  always says people are watching her.  Like come on man!! I’m just depressed and sad.  I’m both cause I’m always alone.  No one calls or texts or checks up on me. I don’t have any friends or family.  You have all those.  I have no kids no career.  What’s left for me in life?

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