Day 4

So today would be day 4 of the new meds.  They were specifically designed for war veterans to help with PTSD and high blood pressure.  I started them on Sunday, and I skipped both doses yesterday just to kind of reset myself.  I could barely drag myself out of bed before noon also could barely eat or concentrate on simple conversations.  Made me feel dumber than without them.  The body aches and muscle soreness are gone and I’m actually able to move my body the way I want to and not just cause a pill won’t let me.  I can say that I was so relieved to see my doctor’s face on that screen!  I know she is basically the only person I can put any kind of trust in.  I’ll leave another entry on what happened in a day or so.  She told me I’m going through a nervous breakdown and my PTSD is running wild.  She wants me to get with a VA to see if there are any programs or support groups I can get into for my PTSD.  I’ve messaged an uncle of mine who served years ago, and he hasn’t gotten back to me yet, but I know he don’t like me so why would he reply in the first place? Today has been a good day so far.  I was able to finally get out of bed free of the dizzy and all the head fog so I took my lil Neice to the gym with me.  I haven’t gone in a long time.  I was able to walk a mile and cycle a mile.  I feel great!

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