Ch 2 of My Book cont’

In my Maw maw’s point of view, she went through all types of hell with my momma and my daddy.  My grandma told me that when I was just three days old my momma went to her and said, “Here, take her, I don’t know what to do with that, she won’t stop crying.”  And from that day on I was always with Mawmaw.

In my Daddy’s point of view, he says my grandma wanted to have me for her and raise me herself.  Daddy also says she picked out my name cause he choose Kendal after him since I was the first girl.  Turns out after all I’m the only girl.

I never really heard anything on any of all that from anyone else.  My great grandparents just always told me everybody loves me and just want what’s best for me.  I spent a lot of time with those two people.  I miss them so much!  They were there through it all and always made sure I understood that I could always go home with them anytime day or night if need be.

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