So I haven’t been sleeping well since the break up and I slept from about midnight to 7:30 last night! Go me for not being awake at 3:30 in the fucking morning! I woke up, ate oatmeal and yogurt, did my yoga and now I have…4 hours to kill before going to the animal shelter which means I get to write more dumb stories down and post random youtube music since playlist.com decided to suck monster cock and not let me embed things anymore! If you watch any of these watch the middle one. It’s awesome.
I’ve never been an angry person but driving sets me off for whatever reason. Not in a honking your horn or shaking your fist kind of way, in a I come up with insults that I’ve never heard before kind of way that I spurt out and imagine my gps is agreeing with me. I play this song while driving through horrible Seattle traffic to calm me down and make me laugh at myself.
This song just makes me happy. The first 1:30 is them goofing around but the rest is worth it, I swear. If you don’t like this then you either don’t like moustaches or you don’t have a heart.
This last song made me happy today, it kinda fits how I’ve felt the last two weeks…I can’t find the normal version of it though. The record version sounds much better.
So two years ago I was let go from my job at SBC. I really didn’t give half a jackass about it and decided that I could rely on my stock options to get me by for a while and go back to school. That was all well and good for a while but I can’t stand not working or not doing something. So I work for Dave’s New England coneys…he gives me between 10-15 dollars an hour depending on the day, I usually work 10 hour days three or four days a week. This is really easy work but he pays me under the table which raises a lot of issues with proving income to anyone. So I got a lead on a warehouse job under the West Seattle bridge and I’d work for Dave whenever I could for extra income. Dave will be sad, I really like the old kook despite his very Republican Tea Party ways. He’s very honest and funny. Although every cute girl that comes up he jumps all over. I could see the disappointment in his face when a girl asked me to go to Emerald Downs with her and her friends. It still bothered him even though she had a wedding ring. He’s got a wife he’s been with for years…funny story, his wife sat at the register reading Fifty Shades of Grey. I get that girls like that book, I’m not going to judge but she’s reading it where people coming up can see it plain as day. They are a couple that really doesn’t give a fuck though so I respect her for it I guess. Still weird to be working next to someone reading porn.
Hours later…
Stupid computer got spyware or malware or something and it took four and a half hours to run Windows Defender in safe mode. I want a mac. I don’t even care what kind…I shouldn’t be spending money on it but it’s an investment, right?
So I got one cat adopted today. A four month old named Kissa. I sent her away with a bag of food for kittens, prescription food for Kissas GI issues. I didn’t know that there was a bag of food to go with her so I call her and let her know. I get a call at 7, after I’ve left and she’s freaking out asking if she left her keys there. I try calling the girl that comes in after me and she wont pick up. The adopter is calling saying things about how she can’t pay 265 dollars for a locksmith, blaming me for them not picking up their phone…till 8 o clock she kept texting me and calling. I had called Petsmart and the Purrfect pals place and neither one had found them, I tell her that and she is on the verge of tears at this point…there is no happy ending to this. She’s a veteran single mother with no job and she just payed 100 dollars for a kitten and now she has to pay 265 to get into her house. I can’t help but feel for her. Not much I can do but she was really excited to get her daughter a kitten, their old cat just ran away and went to heaven apparently…of course I might’ve just sent a cute cat away to people that smother cats but I don’t think so.
Short coffee tale.
Once a girl tried to commit suicide on the train tracks just outside the Auburn Supermall. She parked her car and waited. Usually trains come about every 30 minutes or so but it so happens that it would be hours before the next train as work was being done on the track. People called the cops and Big Ron and Bald/little Ron have to go get her out, she refused so they jimmied her car open and pulled her out. It’s horrible/amusing/lucky all at the same time.
Peace yo! Word to your bullfrogs…
I’m definitely with you on the driving thing. I call people horrible names I never would otherwise haha. I can’t listen to those songs at work really, but I am excited for the mustache one. You’re nicer than I am about 50 Shades. I judge people terribly for liking those books. :/ I really shouldn’t. That poor girl, that must have been humiliating. Then again, if she was doing it in public…
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Holy crap. You know how hard it is to get cats adopted. I wouldn’t trade you your West Side traffic for anything. Even my commute on the East Side.
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