Wine Colors and Cloudiness

It’s appropriate that my Autumn Bouquet hand wash ran out on the first day below freezing of the season.  If you ever encounter a hand wash from Bath & Body Works called Black Cherry Merlot, buy it.  It smells so nice, maybe my favorite from there I’ve ever come across.  The hand lotion from there, Heirloom Cranberries, also smells lovely, has a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg in the scent.  My hands get so dry this time of year, with the heat on and all.  What annoys me most of all is my face feeling dry.  I rub a touch of Shiseido Night Moisture Recharge on the inner corners of my cheeks and around my lips and chin, and it usually takes care of the problem.  

It’s so much nicer to think about moisturizers and soaps and comforting things like that than how my day really went.  Was quite disheartened, but not surprised, at someone’s immaturity, and a problem I was hoping had gone away.  A dozen apologies for the behavior, but my emotions were locked tight inside me, and I couldn’t feel anything but a fatigued sense of disappointment.  Auto-pilot, hardly self-aware, I just went through the motions, a vaguely sad looking interactive doll.  I suppose it all reflects what I really think of myself.  Tammy Wynette and Barbara Mandrell comforted me in the car on the way home, as the key began to turn inside me, and the door began to slip away from its tight frame.  
On the bright side, I finally got a real case for my ipod; I hate the thought of it being scratched.  And the below-freezing weather gave me opportunity to wear my new wine colored faux-fur lined zip-ankle boots for the first time.  My feet were quite warm in them and they looked lovely with my wine colored mock-turtleneck sweater and redder than red knee-length coat.  A red knit snow hat with a beige fluffy ball at the tip, something my cats would surely attack if given the opportunity, soft cozy red gloves, and Clinique lipstick in plum brandy topped the look off.  I kept my gloves and hat on for most of the day, even when indoors, when I could get away with it.

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