
Problem solving, for me, involves no emotion whatsoever, though for use in emotional situations, it involves a detailed and vigilant awareness of the logic of emotions, and the many splintering paths that can stem from the same cores.  Many maps have been drawn and collected from studying the complexities of my own emotions, and from analyses based on volumes of data collected from observing other people’s emotions, or rather, dissecting their behavior, reactions, and nuances, down to their underlying motivations, and sometimes gently testing out these motivations, as the cool analytical side of myself has no problem doing.  Honesty from people about themselves only goes so far, as most people are not all that honest with themselves in the first place, or perhaps not all that self-aware. 
All through school, one of the most comforting things to my mind was doing my math homework.  Pure cold gleaming paths of logic.  Soothing my brain from the uncertainty, the insecurity, inevitably inspired by words.  
Numbers, however, outside of a cold insular logical arrangement, can inspire just as much fright in me.  How many times could this happen, what’s the likelihood of that happening, etc.?  Keeps me up at night sometimes…
Our fates are in words, yet to be formed; numbers, yet to be arrived at…


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