I’m Taking Over.

This entry is actually from yesterday, I typed it in Word before I went to bed, no net access, thought I’d just post it today.

Without further ado, the entry!

So, I decided that today, while I waited the indefinite period of time it’d take me to get my background check done at the prison, I’d get myself a part-time job that I may or may not keep while I work at the prison. There was, a while back, a company I went to and applied at. The company is called Western Wats, and is a company that conducts surveys over the phone. Easy work, but pays terribly. I got my interview on the spot, and the woman said she wanted to hire me instantly, and invited me to the orientation, which was that evening. I did not go, as I thought I had better things coming up. Well, I went back today, and they had me fill out a schedule sheet and I went to the orientation this evening. I must say, I am rather amazed that a company like this exists. I was more qualified and more professional than everyone in that building. Even the management. The presenter at the orientation had a terrible command of the English language, even though his accent suggested that English was his first and likely only language. He was dressed in Ecko clothing, including ill-fitting shorts. I was dressed all in black, with a pink tie, very businesslike, while everyone else arrived in T-shirts, some with holes and other forms of wear on them. The training classes are Thursday and Friday. One gets choices of times. 2PM-5PM, or 6PM-8PM. I kid you not. I immediately brought up the discrepancy, to which the presenter stammered for a very long time, literally thirty seconds or so, which is a long time to be stammering. He then announced that he did not know the answer.

I’m taking over Western Wats. There seems to be no other option.

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