Developments Thus Far.

I had my interview today, with Cortiva School of Massage. They’ll pay in the high thirty thousands, and benefits start after 30 days. The man that interviewed me liked me a lot, and is likely to call back for the second interview next week, which will be conferenced with the president of the company, who is in Jersey, by phone. The second guy that was in there interviewing me was somewhat dour of expression, and a little hard to read. He did, however, work at the University of Phoenix, up until march. I am excited, and believe that all went well. I am looking forward to my interview with the prison on Tuesday.

EDIT: No BatCade yet. We haven’t used the last of the roll of film. We’re headed off to the Arizona State Fair tonight, though, and are likely to use it then and more.

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November 2, 2007

Good luck! Got my fingers crossed for ya! 🙂