I Got A Sticker That Says I Voted

So I voted this morning at 6am. I voted democrat. My whole family is republican and PRO Bush. My bf, was for Kerry.  At first I was torn because I had two sides telling me what to do when I wasn’t even interested in politics in the first place. Well I began watching the debates, following the articles, yadda yadda yadda. I decided Kerry knew what he was talking about, he had plans, answers, but he is a little creepy. Bush is just a babbling idiot who does what others tell him to do and has no idea how to answer questions w/o repeating the same thinger over and over again: “I WILL fight the war on terrosim!” Big deal, give me medical insurance dude, lower gas prices, do something besides get innocent people killed. Anyway I wasn’t impressed with what I saw. I think he’s very passionate about this war, and thats commendable. That he sticks to something and sees it through to the death..literally. Passion is always a good thing..how you direct it though..is entirely another. I don’t think either of them are really good for the picking..but I had to choose. So, I did. Good luck to Kerry and Bush. May the best man win! Hopefully no recalls this time guys?


I met my mom at DENNY’S yesterday for lunch and we had the funniest waiter. He was of course gay…flamboyant as he could be. His disposition was just so bright and humerous. His attitude just made my whole day better. The funny thing is how comfortable talking to him I was than just any other straight person. Its hard to explain. But I am from California, and growing up my mom had TONS of gay friends, some straight ones too. Like even my god father was gay.  When I was 11 she moved us to Missouri, smack dab in the middle of the bible belt country. Homosexuals are not spoken of, and they are tolerated only if you don’t have to speak about them. But to be honest, I have always felt more comfortable around them. Maybe thats silly. A good friend from middle school, her dad was gay, my boyfriend’s dad is…its not like I choose these people..I mean I find out after wards…but how ironic it is that I can’t escape it? And THEN, we started talking to two girls behind us and it turns out they’re lovers..lol  I have noticed a lot more guys in college that have come out..at least around school and friends. I never noticed it in HS. But then again HS is smaller and everyone knows EVERYONE.  Anyway…thats enough for today. I am starving, I am gunna go find some food. Happy Voting!

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