Things Are Looking Up

The Korean program fell through. Every time we completed some part of the application, they found new ways to jerk us around. So, now that option is off the table. After talking with some friends about similar programs and hearing that they’re all basically the same song and dance, all those programs are out.

So, the good news is that now I’m not getting into a PhD program, I won’t be teaching overseas, and I have absolutely no job prospects in my future as I desperately scramble to complete my thesis so that I can graduate by August with a degree that is apparently worth fuck-all.

You don’t want to know the bad news.

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April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012

Fuck the system. All it ever does is lumber and trip. Write.

June 4, 2012

Yeah, I’m late. I had the same experience trying to teach in Japan a couple years ago. I did end up successfully jumping through 8 million hoops and flying to chicago for the final interview for a more promising company where I got turned down X_x