I’ve been sitting with this screen open for the better part of an hour and I can’t seem to find a thing to write about. I guses I am too drained to really be using my brain, it’s been used enough the past few nights.
The new job is going well. I am still adjusting to the night shift and obviously still learning. Work has slowly made its way into my dreams which is kind of sad but at least even in my dreams I am trying to learn. I hate not knowing everything there is to know about a job but I guess that is part of the learning process. Oh well, I’ll be awesome soon enough. It’s been fun meeting new people and all of that jazz.
Six hours of sleep was not enough.
It’s weird to get home when everyone else is just getting up to go to work. I almost feel obligated to stay awake because I feel like a lazy fuck going to bed at 8:00am and getting up at 4:00pm. Man these three days off are going to be really nice, even if I do have to work at Blockbuster Monday and Tuesday night. I’m not sure how long I’m going to continue doing this, I figure I will give it a few weeks and wait until I am certified before I quit so I can work OT.
I have bumped into Matt a few times whilst at work which is pretty neat. He came and said hello to me last night while I was amidst being super stressed out about things and made my night better. I need to learn to not stress and realize that when a machine breaks it’s not really my fault and it happens to everyone else too. I always just think that because I’m the new kid I’ll get blamed for it. Which I did later on, of course, but all in good humor. 🙂 After Matt and I got off work we went to I-HOP for some breakfast and then came home for some lovin’. He’s still asleep since he has to work tonight. I really need to clean the apartment but I am feeling so lazy and so tired… *sighs* Maybe I will feel more motivated later on.
Tomorrow he is going to Colorado for a week and I will miss him. When he gets home he’s getting his wisdom teeth pulled out and I will have to take care of him. I often tease him and say the only reason he let me move in was so I’d be around when he finally did get his wisdom teeth pulled. 🙂 It only took 3 months but whatever!
Had an awesome iced Chai Tea at a local coffee joint yesterday. I think we’re going to have to go back there sometime since I love me some Chai Tea. MMmmmMM.
I need to shave my legs and what not today. Come time to get in the shower I’m not sure it’ll happen but we shall see.
The binkini will be here tomorrow, I imagine. Is it wrong that I am super excited about a bathing suit I probably wont wear much? It is all about the little things in life.
Today I will be able to wear make-up. You wouldn’t think it would be that hard to just NOT put it on but when it becomes part of your daily routine you find that you have to stop and remind yourself to not grab it out of your cute initialed make-up bag. I used to rarely ever go out in public sans make-up but now I don’t have a choice. If I don’t learn anything else from my job at least I will learn to be comfortable with the way that I look al la natural. Now the rest of the world can see the beauty that Matt wakes up to every morning afternoon. 😉 It’s not so bad…just another adjustment. But man! I am SO excited that I won’t be putting a damn banadana and a hood on today! WOO HOO my hair gets a break!
Well I am going to go hop in the shower and start shaving away, my legs are fuzzy.
Later taters, I hope all is well and I’ll try to do some more catching up this evening! Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful ladies that have kids, whether they are of the human sort or not.
I must have missed when you decided to buy the bikini!:) haha I have so much stuff to do today including shower and shave like you but I have NO motivation:(
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lol shaving is suchhh a freaking hassle. I might consider waxing, but I heard if you have really dark hair (like I do) it’s going to leave a stubbly shadow anyways…BOO. also, you love meeting new people? I’m kind of jealous of that, it sets me on edge, lol. ughhh I dread it all of the time. that’s why I’m lagging on finding a new job. all of those new people…oyyy. glad you’re enjoying it tho!
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wait. you can’t wear makeup to work?! i’m confused. shaving sucks a big one. i’m always too lazy to do it until i want to wear shorts or a skirt out in public, and then i have to. i always seem to miss a whole streak or two, too. urgh. maybe we should get that electrolysis or whatever. take care,
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*hugs!* Glad your job is going ok. 🙂
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Ok, you’re going to have to sit me down and tell me exactly what the hell it is you do. All I know is that you’re up all night with no makeup and with some weird suit on. I was about to ask if you’re an oompa loompa, but they’re pretty made up (in them makeup sense as well as the imaginary sense), unless they’re just born like that.
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Fuzzy legs aren’t fun. 🙂
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Congrats on the new job! What do you do there? And you can’t wear makeup?
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You’ll definitely learn your job..you can’t go in knowing everything..especially when it is something new! You’ll be just fine. Take care chica 😉
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don’t stress out TOO much over not knowing the job inside out yet… (like I should talk, I’m the same way you are) Soon enough you’ll be the one everyone goes to when they have a question 🙂
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i think i would hate working the night shift, i need my sunshine. i cant sleep knowing everyone else is out doing stuff. i dunno how eric & steve have done it at intel for so many years… it bites that matt’s gotta go away again, but he’ll be back before u know it… yay for the bikini!… hey u gotta read my last entry about the psychic & lemmie know whatcha think! 🙂
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um? I think I missed something. Are you not allowed to wear makeup to work? Im confused!
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