Welcome, welcome.

I meant to update yesterday because the first entry of the year just looks better when it reads "1/1/08".  However I was sucked into America’s Next Top Model re-runs for a good portion of the day and if I wasn’t watching the tv I was hitting penguins with a baseball bat or chatting with Tammy.  Not a bad way to spend the first day of 2008.  Which, I have decided, is going to work for me this year.

New Year’s Eve was spent in my new PJ’s from Old Navy(which the lovely Jen actually bought…thank you), eating some yummy pad thai that Matt picked up and drinking Newcastle Brown Ale.  As the night progressed the more I wished we had gone out but I knew it was just easier for us to stay in since someone had to work at 7AM the next morning.  I turned on Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Years Eve around 11:30PM EST and watched that until the ball dropped.  I was happy to see that Dick Clark was doing much better this year!  We toasted at midnight, had a kiss on the couch and continued to drink our champagne.  Then Matt and I really rang in the New Year, if you catch my drift.

So as I said I meant to write an entry yesterday detailing some resolutions for myself.  One of which included doing one of those "Currents" type surveys every month.  But I haven’t found a good one just yet, I figure I will give myself until the 5th of every month to get one up so I still have a few days.  Anyway, onto the resolutions!

  • Don’t let the world get to you.  Make that choice to be happy every single time.
  • Don’t let yourself get so angry and worked up when things are beyond your control.  I know that hitting a wall with your fist seems awesome to do at the moment but you look like an idiot and all you get in the end is a sore fist.  Just breathe, calm down and again…make that choice to be happy.
  • You can’t fix everything even though you want to.  Please accept this.
  • Remember to floss every day at least once a day!  You were doing so well and started to slack in the morning because you were too tired to take the extra few minutes to do it.  LAME.
  • Exercise!  Remember to lift the wee weights every night, do a few crunches and somehow get over your fear of working out alone and just go DO IT.  Yoga sounds like a great thing to get into on your work days since you don’t have a lot of time to yourself, remember to go pick up a beginners DVD and learn as much as you can.
  • You are loved by so many.  Remember this when you are feeling down and lonely; throwing self pity-parties is so last year.
  • READ MORE.  I know you read a lot to begin with but you need to read more.  Branch out from your usual genre, pick up a non-fiction every now and again.  I bet you’ll learn something new.
  • School is probably going to be rough.  But remember that your life is much less chaotic now, you don’t have the same worries that you used to so there is no reason to not do the kind of work you are capable of.  Make the time to study and to do well.  I have faith in you, self.
  • Eat better.  Hahahaha, I know that’s not really going to ever happen but there always has to be a resolution that is unattainable!
  • Be a better friend.  Pick up the phone and call people more even though you hate the phone and would rather e-mail and text until your fingers fall off.
  • Be an even better girlfriend than you were last year.  There is always room for improvement!
  • Convince your body that sleeping 8 hours at a time is far more desireable than sleeping for 3-4 and then getting up only to crash 6 hours later.  I am guessing the exercising on a regular basis might help with this.  See, you’re learning already.
  • Remember to continue to look at the bright side of things and for that silver lining.  Don’t be jealous of anyone or anything, your life is good just the way it is and only you can make the changes to make things different.

And with that I’m off to lift weights, do sit-ups and ponder where I might get a Yoga DVD from.  Later taters!

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January 2, 2008

that is alot of resolutions! i love how you spoke in 2nd person to yourself thru out them. ;d hitting penguins with a baseball bat = greatest thing ever.

January 2, 2008

phew, I am with you on the sleeping for 8 hours thing!!

January 2, 2008

I get sucked into that show constantly – even if I’ve already seen the episodes a million times!!! And they have those stupid marathons constantly… Sounds like good resolutions to me. 😀

January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!!

I like the way you wrote your resolutions. 🙂 Some definitely apply for me as well. Glad you were able to ring in the new year with style. lol Ashley

You can get a yoga DVD pretty much anywhere! You’re certain to find one at Walmart or Target, especially since January is when they stock up on exercise stuff (you’re only one of many many people who’ve made similar resolutions!). 😀 I’ve been thinking of getting one for years, but you know me. I never will. That and I’ll feel stupid sitting here trying to do yoga. I’m the least flexible person ever. I think dead people are more flexible than I am. Happy New Year!

I was watching a few of the reruns. I have never watched the show and I actually really liked it. I stopped at 1pm when Noelle and Jer started watching hockey. 😛

January 2, 2008

I love all your resolutions, I have quite a few of the same lol. I like those surveys but I haven’t seen many of them lately. If you post 1 on here I will have to steal yours 😉

January 2, 2008

sleep is so necessary. i love that now i am back to getting a full nights sleep.

January 2, 2008

what is hitting penguins with a baseball bat? like you literally hit like, stuffed penguins with a baseball bat? or is this a video game? lol.

January 2, 2008
January 2, 2008

I wanna try yoga. 🙂 Happy New Year!! <3

January 3, 2008

All these resolutions are so good. I could never make so many in fear that I wouldn’t ever keep up with them.

January 3, 2008

You’re adorable! Good luck with your resolutions! I believe walmart and target has yoga dvds.. *HUGS*