Woo-hoo!  Yeah for Friday!  Too bad my day is just now starting…  🙂  Oh well, I think I can suffer through 12 hours of work for a few days off.  I broke down and decided to work some OT on Tuesday night, it has been a long time since I have done any…next week will be a really LONG week for me.

I’ll be going home in about 17 days.  Crazy, crazy, crazy!  At first I thought a week at home would be too long, now I am wondering if it will be enough time.  I really want to drive down to Mesa for a day to see some friends that I used to work with at Big Lots but I don’t know if I will be able to do that or not.  I guess I will see how bored I am.  I kind of wish I wasn’t getting in so late on Monday night…it will be Tuesday(early Tuesday, like 1AM) before I even get into Arizona.  Oh well, nothing is ever perfect.

I am looking forward to tomorrow night!  I will be seeing my cousin and her hubby hopefully.  Matt and I are taking them out to dinner.  🙂  We really need to drive down to their place and spend a weekend with them.

I am also looking forward to spending some time with Matt!  I am missing him a bit, in a way our schedules aren’t too bad…it really makes me appreciate the time that we can spend together.  The bed is lonely without him in it but that is what the weekends are for!  I am not sure of any plans other than tomorrow night, he is working OT on Sunday during the day and I am at work on Tuesday night.  Sometimes we see eachother at unexpected times and getting those kisses and hugs are great.  🙂

I guess I’ll post some pictures from the Jimmy Eat World concert on Tuesday night.  They really were fabulous!  I love love love them.  🙂  I took a few vids too of my favorite songs but I won’t post those…  Oh man!  I forgot to post a video of Widget chasing his tail on top of a cardboard box.  It is cute and funny.  Some other day perhaps.  Anyway…

Look!  It’s Jim before he got all sweaty!

Singing and playing, playing and singing.

Jim again.  I have kind of a crush on him.

Tom…he’s pretty cute too.  🙂

I was trying to get the whole band…but Rick(bass) was hiding in the light.

He was hard to get a picture of, kept hiding.

He was singing "Your House" which is one of my favorite songs.   🙂

And my best attempt at the whole band.

So there you go, a bunch of pictures about a band no one on OD cares about.  😀  I’ll post a picture of Widget, you might care more about him!

Okay I need to go shower and get ready for work now.  Later taters. 🙂

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November 2, 2007

I am going to see Jimmy Eat World on Decemeber 2nd!! I am sooo excited! Those were awesome pictures by the way!

November 2, 2007

Haha, does Widget find cardboard tasty?—–»

November 2, 2007

last time i went to a concert and JEW was there, i got KICKED out. kicked out of america west arena

November 2, 2007

Is Widget sticking his tongue out?! LOL! I wish I liked going to concerts… I feel like such a loser because I hate them. Too many people. I get really claustrophobic 🙁

Widget looks adorable. And concerts are always a fabulous time! Have you started getting your things together for your trip home? It always takes me forever to prepare, so I always start early! Ashley

November 3, 2007

yay jimmy eat world!! they actually came here a couple weeks ago but it was a weeknight and i found out kind of late and yeah. that sucked. do you like their new album? xo