something bit me.

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July yesterday!  I also hope everyone remembers why we celebrate it.  🙂  Working with foreign immigrants puts a different perspective on it, they were all so happy that it was the USA’s birthday.  Makes you realize how much you take for granted sometimes.

On Tuesday Matt and I went out to Tom’s house in F’burg for a BBQ and such.  I was bit or stung by something(probably a ‘skeeter) and now have a raging infection on my left hip/side.

The circle is pretty much the whole infection, the middle is where the bite/sting is.  I had a gauze pad over it all night and have tape marks too.  *sighs*  It’s all hard and hot, pretty gross.  This happens to me every year…  WHY?!?!?!  I’m going to hope it doesn’t turn out like my toe did last year, that was pretty gross.

And no, I’m not pregnant.  It was the angle.

So other than that…not much going on.

I’m meeting my cousin this weekend.  🙂  It’s exciting!  We’re going to get b-fast at I-HOP Saturday morning after Matt and I get off work.  Saturday night is Dan and Nicole’s wedding and then it’s vacation time!  Steph will be here Wednesday evening and then it is fun times there on out!  I went ahead and asked for one extra day off after we get back from NYC, I think I’m going to need to rest up a bit.  NYC always wears me out, I think it’s because it’s so dang busy.

Woo-hoo it’s pay day tonight!  Yeah!  Maybe this weekend I will go buy a TV for the bedroom.  I just want to lay in bed and be lazy and watch tv somedays.  Although I think the TV is pretty much paid for, we got $100 from and an abundance of pocket change laying around.  Anyone heard of the brand Insignia?  I can’t seem to find much on the internet and they have pretty decent prices at Best Buy.  Sooo I dunno.

2 more nights at work…  I have to go in early tonight for a meeting.  Make my already long day even longer.  😛

Alrighty well I guess that is all from me.  Not much else going on, my pretty rainbow Roxy flip-flops should be arriving here sometime today.  🙂  Yay!

Later taters, have a good day!

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July 5, 2007

Holy cow! That is one serious bug bite! Hopefully a little time and some antihistimine will make that puppy go away.

July 5, 2007

Eek! Hope that bite gets better. I have mosquito bites on my legs and arms. They make me nuts! 😉

July 5, 2007

yeah because we were all actually wondering if you were pregnant.

July 5, 2007

ouch! Go to DR about that one I think!

July 5, 2007

good god. that looks like a spider bit you or something…I get those all of the time. damn bugs! how come gave you $100? how can I get in on it! 🙂

July 5, 2007


July 5, 2007

Owwie! Are you allergic to mosquitos or something? Geeze. Get better now!!! YAY for payday!!! 🙂

Yeah, I took an extra day off after I get back, too. Partly because I don’t even get into Flag until 10:00 pm on the 19th (later if you think about it, ’cause I’ll probably be adjusted to Eastern time by then), but also ’cause NY is the busy part of our vacation and I know I’ll need rest! Aw, I’m sorry I didn’t answer your note! I was going to pop over and say “yeah, let’s eat!” but I have no clue why I didn’t. Works for me, though! I’m sure I’ll be hungry. Oh, and last time I went on vacation I slept the entire first day. Not jet-lag (’cause that wouldn’t have made much sense anyway), but I think I was just very exhausted or something. Anyway, I’m not allowed to do that this time, don’t let me! 😛 Anyway, Mom, Ryan, and his girlfriend are on their way here so I should go clean and stuff. 🙂

Man, I thought I was the only one who got bug bites like that. I’ve never been able to figure out what it is that bites me, but they suck! Hope yours gets better soon.

yeah, i’ve heard of insignia. and actually, i like them a lot.

July 5, 2007

i was going to say, didnt you have a bug bite like that on your thigh either last year or the year before? i dont think it’s infected as much as you are probably are allergic to whatever is bitting your ass!

July 5, 2007

damn, girl! that’s one heck of a bite! better get it checked out if it doesn’t settle down in a day or so.

July 6, 2007

i got a skeeter bite on my thigh like that a couple years ago. it got humongous and it was all hot and tender. i can’t remember what i did to make it go away; i think it just went away on its own. have a good weekend! xo

July 7, 2007

heeey stranger!! that bug bite sucks.. i get bad reactions too. usually mosquitos, but sometimes i get evil spider bites.. those bastards.