so far

Weekend has been good so far!

I was so glad to leave Micron on Sunday morning!  What a long week it was, not bad, just really long.  Came home for a few hours of sleep before Matt and I went to Projekt Revolution!  It was a great show, I had a lot of fun even though I was really tired all day.  🙂  I am bummed that more people did not come out with us it would have been even more fun.  Overall the concert was great, My Chemical Romance had a GREAT show!  That was the most pyrotechnics I’ve ever seen on a stage before!  Linkin Park rocked it though, I have to admit they sounded amazing.  I found a few new bands that I enjoyed too!  Bummed I missed out on Medina Lake though, I heard a song of theirs on the radio on the way home and can’t help but wonder why they were the first guys up!   We didn’t get out to Nissan Pavillion until around 1:30-2:00ish and then by the time we got inside it was after their set was up.

Today I got up around noon-ish, Widget was pestering me from 5AM until around 9AM so I tried to make up for the lost ZZZ’s.  I asked Matt if he wanted to go to Woodbridge for some Christmas shopping and he agreed.  Stopped at Starbucks for some coffee, wandered around and bought a few presents.  We were hungry and wound up at On The Border for some yummy food.  Stopped at Wal*Mart on the way home for a couple of things(Why can’t I remember everything that I need at once?  Instead I do it in bits and pieces…) and then came home.  I started to clean the bathroom and Matt got a call from Luc to see if we wanted to go see Superbad.  I declined since I was already in my cleaning clothes and told Matt to just go out and see his friends and be with the guys.  I hope the movie is good!

I am not cleaning right now like I should be, but I did vacuum and am doing laundry.  Where do all the dirty clothes come from?!

So last night people were smoking pot at the concert, as there always are, so Matt and I were smelling it.  After we’d made it home last night we were in the shower and he was washing himself with the new body wash that he picked out and all of the sudden he tells me what the soap smells like – pot!  I don’t smell the similarity myself, it is supposed to be lavendar and violet(lol).  This for some reason snuck itself into one of my dreams, I was dreaming that I was smoking pot and was high.  This is difficult to do since I’ve never smoked anything in my life(not even a cig) and have no idea what being high feels like.  I’m sure I could imagine it…I think.  I don’t know.  It was just really funny to me.  🙂

I’m ready for it to be fall, I think.  I love the warm weather but I start to miss my winter clothes…it goes the same way after it’s been cold for a few months – I miss my summer clothes.  Matt mentioned something about flying up to Vermont after the seasons started to change so that we could see all of the colors up there, I’d love to do that.  Maybe we will!

I guess my family has decided that we are going to have Christmas on Thanksgiving this year since I will be home and Billy is not sure she will be able to get Christmas off for sure.  Works for me!  Hence the early Christmas shopping incase anyone was wondering why I was out doing that already.  🙂  I’m trying to get things done early this year, I hate rushing around sometimes.  I have decided that since I will be home here in Manassas for Christmas this year I am going to get a small tree for the apartment!  I think it is about time I get my own lights and start my own ornament collection.  Matt thinks I am silly but he is a Grinchy Grincherson so…  🙂

Not much else going on with me.  I need to get myself a rental car for Thanksgiving, I should start pricing them right now.  I find it so random that I am old enough to rent a car without it costing me a million dollars.  I don’t feel like I am 25!  I don’t think I am ever going to FEEL my age.  I may look my age someday but I will never feel it.  But kind of excited to be going home to Arizona, it’s been ages(okay, 9 months) since I’ve been back and I get to missing it sometimes.  I haven’t seen my family since Christmas either so it is due time for that as well!

Well I suppose that is all from me for now.  It is now time for me to catch up on your lives.  🙂  Later taters!

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August 20, 2007 has the best rental car prices. I’ve tried a bunch of places since I’ve been here, and they’re the best deals. you book it and then they tell you what rental agency it’s through. i keep getting avis.

August 20, 2007

i miss my hoodies too!

August 20, 2007

oooh, a concert! that sounds fun! *grin*

August 20, 2007

See!? I’m not crazy with my love (obsession) with MCR! LOL! Nice pot dream. 😉 YAY for early christmas! 😀

August 20, 2007

srsly. i dont know how you deal with the cat waking up like that… when patton tries that crap, i send his ass packing… he knows better. he will try to get derek up, and that works better because derek spoils him and would never just kick him out of bed LOL i am glad you all got out of the house to go to the concert… it’s good to get out and do things!

August 20, 2007
August 20, 2007

RYN: The station pays for the vehicle. We either buy it with money, or have it leased with payments being in the form of advertising (radio commercials, mentions on where we got the vehicle, or actual sticks on it stating where we bought it). We made enough money to pay for the entire vehicle, so thank goodness for that because that means no messy advertising. The station pays for the gas as well because we have a credit card for the gas alone on the vehicle. 🙂 And I dunno when I’ll find out about the job! I guess we’ll see.

August 21, 2007

First of all, I love that you are Christmas shopping right now. I wish I had that kind of foresight. It’s hard enough for me to come up with gift ideas by December, I’d never be able to do it in the middle of August. Oy! I LOVE lavender soap!! It smells really “herbal-y” so I can kind of see the pot thing… but really, it smells much prettier. Feminine. Yay for fall! I want to wear cute sweaters and jackets…it’s raining today, but it’s not the same as cool fall weather…

August 21, 2007

I never smoked anything before either! We’re such goody-too-shoes! LOL 🙂

RYN(s): I was trying to “tighten” them because they were sliding off my face and I snapped them. It’s all my fault 😛 She works at Arby’s. It’s not that the people are heartless… It’s that she wasn’t TRYING. She never put in for the day off. Just the request to open. And then she didn’t do squat about it other than email me yesterday. I messed her this morning and she told me that she’s trying to get someone to swap now.

RYN: Exactly why I was so upset that she was just like oh I can’t do anything about it. You know?

August 23, 2007

i am SO jealous you went to projekt revolution. i can’t stop thinking about how dan and i missed them when they came here last week. i LOVE linkin park. i can’t believe you’ve already started christmas shopping. i don’t even want to think about christmas right now! on the border is delicious. xo

August 25, 2007

That concert sounds like so much fun. I love concerts.

YAY for Christmas related things. I was in a craft store today and they had fake trees and ornaments and things already and I about died. 🙂 I definitely need to start budgeting money for Christmas gifts. It’s funny how that holiday just creeps up from no where. My goodness! I bet Vermont would be GORGEOUS when the leaves start changing colors. So jealous. Ashley