I think I am getting sick. Yaaaaaaaay. I just hope it’s not the strep throat that was going around work. I wish people would wash their hands more…I wish that doors and things like handrails on the stairs would get washed on a daily basis too. If people were a little more cleanly it would prevent illness. I know I am supposed to and need to get sick for my own immune system but why right now? I don’t want to spend my weekend feeling like poop. 🙂
I stopped in at Wal*Mart this morning and decided to head over to the seasonal section to see if there was any good Halloween candy left. Insead I found Christmas candy. 😀 I don’t care what you Grinchy Grinchersons say seeing all of the Christmas stuff out puts a smile on my face and makes me feel happy. I walked around Wal*Mart with a dumb grin on my face, just feeling happy that the holidays are approaching. I meandered through the wrapping paper looking for something to start wrapping presents with(since I need to, I am going home in 8 days). Didn’t buy anything yet though.
Matt’s got to work OT tomorrow and Tuesday. It’s not regular shifts though so that is good. It’ll only be an 8-10 hour day instead of 12+. 😛 He’s out flying somewhere now, I asked him to not let me sleep all day but since no one was here to wake me up I did that. 🙂 I am going to chalk it up to my body feeling a little under the weather and needing some sleep to try to fight it off. I’ll just think positive about it and it will be okay!
Sooooo happy it is my day off. Last night was the same as Friday night, absolutely no issues except for bad test wafers but I can’t do much about those other than just make more test wafer lots and send out smart ass pages to my engineering/tech team when they send me ones first. I tell you it is a second job to everyone who knows me in the fab to pick on me. But I know they only pick on me because they love me so much.
Ooooookay. Just talked to my brother, he was polling me on some political opinions for a class. Good times. I need to start doing my research on the candidates so I can be well informed and not vote for the wrong person. However I AM glad that Bush will be out of office and can’t come back! If you support Bush please don’t take offense, I am just expressing my opinion. 🙂
Matt is on his way home so I suppose I will go hop into the shower and start getting ready to go out, I want to go eat some wings while I am still able to taste! Later taters, have a good evening!
I hope you feel better soon!! And enjoy your days off. 🙂
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I am overly excited for Christmas too. 🙂 Enjoy your night off and away! Ashley
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Oh my Christmas excites me to no end!
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Christmas excites me like crazy. I know too many people who get mad that they put stuff out before Thanksgiving but I adore it. It’s you whose family is doing Christmas on Thanksgiving (or something like that), right?
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everyone is getting sick! stop it! 😀
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you can call it Thankmas! LOL
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vote for john edwards because he is a DILF!!
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