quickly, quickly.

Just posting my photo for today, need to get ready to go out!  🙂

Apparently whatever Matt was reading was super boring.

He slept like that for several hours.  I finally woke him up because the blanket from the back of the couch had fallen over his face and I was afraid he would suffocate or something.  He came to bed with me and slept some more.  Tired, much?  🙂

Have a good evening, my taters!

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October 8, 2007

LOL! Tired or super bored. Hehehe.

October 8, 2007


October 8, 2007

hehe 🙂

October 8, 2007

How cute! He looks like a little boy all curled up! I would have had to hold back hugging my boy to death if I found him like that on the couch 😉

Awws. So cute! Ashley

Aww so cute!

October 8, 2007
October 8, 2007

haha brian and I have those days sometimes. you fall asleep at like 6:30, spend the rest of the night in a state of semi-consciousness 🙂

Heehee, funny pic! Not as funny as the one where Ian fell asleep with the game controller in his hands, though! 😛

October 9, 2007

How adorable! He looks like a little boy! *looks down and sees Kelly’s post* *smacks head* Sometimes we take the twin thing a little too far…

October 18, 2007

Ha ha! yep. Must be a REALLY boring magazine he’s got there!