NoJoMoFoShoYo #6

You get a mobile entry tonight, kid

Matt’s driving us over to Paul and Suzi’s new place. We just finished up hibatchi and sushi at Osaka.

We’re listening to Konstantine by Something Corporate. I finally FINALLY found this song on iTunes. Takes me back quite a few years.

We’re checking in at the gate now. Ahhh gated communities. Good times.

So yeah. It’s the weekend! Woohoo.

Matt’s leaving Monday afternoon. I’m sad. 🙁 Gonna miss my boy very much. It’s only a month tho…it’ll go by fairly quickly as long as I can get past the first week. That’s always the worst for me. Ya know?

Mmmkay this is gonna have to do for now. Later taters. 🙂

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November 6, 2010

*HUG* Have a great evening with your man!

November 6, 2010

I love Konstantine.

HA, I FINALLY found that damn song on iTunes about a month ago, too. They didn’t have it for the longest time.. I used to check all the time.

November 23, 2010

I can’t believe Matt will be gone so long! Even if it’s only month, that’s still a long time when you live with someone!