NoJoMoFoShoYo #2*
Well today has been fun.
On Friday night Matt and I were showering and the toilet started to gurgle. I, being somewhat intoxicated, laughed hysterically at it. When it happened again Saturday night, Sunday night and this morning while showering, well, it wasn’t so funny anymore. The toilet will flush(thank goodness) but the shower starts to back up as soon as the toilet gurgles whilst one is showering. I scrubbed the bathroom down last night because I was disgusted at the idea of anything being backed up in the tub and the toilet. Matt rented a rooter from a plumbing store and has been pretty unsuccessful in getting the clog out of the main sewer pipe. I’ve had raw sewage dribbled on my arm while holding the ladder for Matt to climb while he had the rooter in tow. Can’t get the clog of … whatever it is to go away. Matt found a bunch of TP that seemed to be a part of the problem but the problem is definitely not gone. SO he just called a plumber and left a message.
This is not how I wanted to spend my day off and know this is not how Matt wanted to spend today either! Home ownership is a pain in the behind sometimes, more so in a old house with old pipes and an old system. Things could be worse though, I can still do dishes and wash our clothes as the clog is happening before the two lines meet up to go into the sewage tank. I could do without peeing outside but when ya gotta go, you gotta go.
It is now a few hours later. Matt and I went to a local pizza place for some food and finally got a plumber to agree to come by tonight. He should be here in about 20 minutes! I am tossing this into the "things to be thankful for on Thanksgiving" pile. Indoor plumbing! Not that I have ever been ungrateful for all modern day conveniences sometimes you just take it for granted. Like a kitchen sink. I’m sure everyone remembers me whining about that from about a year ago.
I just voted. 🙂 I cast my ballot just down the street from my house, so super easy. How do Americans not exercise this right?! Your voice NEEDS to be heard! I don’t care what way you vote, even if you and I disagree, you still need to do your duty as a citizen of the United States. And I am also under the belief that if you don’t vote then you should not be able to gripe about shit later on. 😉
It is back to work for me tomorrow, yippy skippy! Long weeks are not my favorite but the best thing after a long week is a long weekend. 4 days of glorious, blissful nothingness. I might pick up a shift of OT but not sure yet…
Matt’s leaving for Holland on Monday. 🙁 He was actually looking for a ticket for me to come out there in about two weeks but I don’t have my passport yet so that nipped that idea in the bud. Next year, next year. I would rather go in the warmer months for sure. Oh, not sure if I wrote about THIS yet but Matt is coming out to Arizona for a weekend before he hits Colorado for his Christmas vacation with his family. I will pick him up in Las Vegas on the 18th and he will drive back to Vegas with me on the 20th and he’ll fly to CO while I fly back here to VA. My parents are pretty excited he’s coming out, they haven’t seen him in at least 5 years.
Alright I’m gonna go! Later taters. 🙂
*Plumber just left… $525 later we can take showers and flush our toilet. *sigh*
ugh, ugh, ugh — hope they can get the issue figured out. homeownership definitely has its pros and cons, but it’s so worth it! 🙂 i totally agree with you about voting. totally.
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ryn: i totally, totally agree with you — in that, i don’t trust him. i don’t know why, and i don’t know what’s true and not true anymore, but the end result is the same. i don’t trust him right now.
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Yay for voting! I agree with you…ppl need to vote. It’s their duty. Sorry about your plumbing issues…hopefully it isn’t too expensive to fix
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RYN: I think I have a healthy respect for guns, but there are times and places where they are appropriate, and where they are not. Okay, so I haven’t been reading too long, so can you give me some background info: what kind of work does Matt do that requires him to travel so much? I can’t imagine Jack not seeing my parents for 5 yrs – we are over there for dinner almost every week!
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Ugh… Homeownership IS expensive. But… At least you know it was a pretty in depth issue that you couldn’t fix (as indicated by the cost). I bet you’d be more upset if it was like a simple, cheap fix that you still had to call someone else in for… You know?
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Sorry to hear about the cost, but at least you are back up and running!
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Ugh…but I guess it is nice to be able to shower and flush the toilet again.
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When peeps talk about how they feel like they were born in the wrong decade/century I always remind them of modern conveniences such as indoor plumbing, tampons, and birth control… gotta have those bad boys!!
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