NoJoMoFoShoYo #17

Almost went to bed without updating…  How could I?!

Matt finally got a cell phone!  He sent me a number of text messages this morning just to make sure it worked, haha.  Hopefully he and I can have a phone date tomorrow while I’m out on my lunch break. 🙂  Although it will be "Rib Night" for all of those guys…  Not sure what time they do dinner at though.  I shall find out.

I am so sleepy…  I need to shower and then hit the hay.

So on my tummy issues…  Yeah who knows.  This is something I’ve been dealing with since my teenage years and it comes and goes.  I know that chicken upsets my tummy supremely so I try to avoid it as much as I can.  I’m not sure about anything else really.  I don’t drink a lot of milk but I do eat cheese.  However I can never correlate the cheese eating with a tummy ache.  So I dunno.  I really should hit up the doctor about it.

I just bought tickets to see the new HP tomorrow night!  Dave is going to go with me. 🙂  Pretty excited!

Alright I’m going to go shower and then hit the hay…  Later taters!

PS – This morning when I was writing down the date on my notebook page at work I wrote 7-17-2010.  WTF?  Hahaha.

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November 17, 2010

Have a good night! I am glad that he finally got a phone!

You should hit up a doc. They may know more about certain triggers. I’ve been considering going myself one of these days… I have issues with some starchy foods (like potatoes). I loooove me some potatoes but they don’t love me back and send me to the bathroom not long after eating them. So do mushrooms sometimes. Same with chicken. Like you, I avoid a lot of foods because of it.

PS Yay for HP! I can’t wait to see it!

November 23, 2010

When you start having stomach issues, keep a journal and write down what you had to eat that day. That way maybe before going to the doctor you’ll have some sort of idea.