NoJoMoFoShoYo #15
I believe that today is the half-way point in this NoJoMo nonsense. And all I have to say is… Halfway?! That’s it?! My life is just not that interesting to update every single day. Yeah, I know I could do the prompts but meh.
I worked a half-shift of OT today at work. It was another slow day so time was dragging on and on. So glad that Joel works M-F now, at least he and I could chit-chat on messenger. And as usual Tammy was there to e-mail back and forth with. 🙂
So Matt’s due home in 19 days. I can’t wait! I wish he was home now. I am due for some snuggles, cuddles and, er, ya know. It’s kinda nice having the bed to myself but I really miss going to sleep with him. Hopping into bed with him at night is one of my favorite things about living together. Sometimes we read together: Matt one of his many magazines, me reading HP or something else just as light. Sometimes we watch a movie until we both can’t keep our eyes open. Sometimes we just go straight to sleep. More often we have sexy time.
An old photo from just before his move to New York. Circa July of 2004ish?
Speaking of living together… We will hit year 5 of cohabitation in February of 2011. Insane I tell you, absolutely insane! I know a lot of people say living together is a huge adjustment and it’s so hard…but it’s really not been. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s a little difficult sometimes. But for the most part it’s been very easy for us, thankfully. It could be that we’re both pretty easy going people or that neither of us have any habits that are enough to drive a person to the brink of insanity. I do weird quirky shit that Matt teases me about and vice versa. It could be worse. 🙂 And wow, I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since I moved to Virginia. I can’t believe how different my life is. And how happy I am.
Dammit they’re coming out with an extended edition of Avatar. I am obligated to buy it. >:( I loved that movie so I guess I’ll just purchase it and sell my other copy. Which has both blu-ray and DVD versions, BTW, if you’re interested.
MNF is on, wee! Hoping the Eagles win, can’t stand those Deadskins. 😉 Alright this is going to be a damn good game so I am going to go clean up the kitchen real quick like and then devote my attention to the TV. Later taters. 🙂
🙂 You life is definitely interesting enough.
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That’s a cute photo. You’ve been gone for so long! It’s great that you guys have easily adjusted to each other. Lucky. Heh.
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Cute pic 🙂 I am also one of those people that found living with your SO easy peasy. Its a nice thing!
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Living with N. is a breeze, too. It’s funny, all of our friends have tons of serious, nasty, knock-down drag-out type of fights. But N. and I never do. We get frustrated with each other occasionally, but mostly the biggest argument we have is when he crashes his RC helicopter into my head, and that’s more laughing than yelling.
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I’m feeling that way about NoJoMo too. While I’m like whoohooo we’re 10 days from Thanksgiving I’m like dang we’re only halfway through November?!
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Aww look how short your hair was in that picture! 5 years living together? Wow it goes so fast! I remember when you both moved in together! I enjoyed Avatar for what it was (a spectacular looking movie – CGI wise). J wasn’t too into it so I never bought it. I considered buying the new edition but I’ll probably wait until the movie is cheap. I’m a cheapo like that! 😉
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miles and i had it pretty easy, too. we just fell into sync with habits and all that. i think it really depends on the two people, because with ken and i, it was hard and took a lot of adjusting and fights – even though we’d been together for yeaars! miles and i had only been together for one. i’m glad you’re so happy! 🙂
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