NoJoMoFoShoYo #14

 Ah idiot me is up watching The Walking Dead again…  Probably going to have nightmares again, too.  Never said I was the brightest crayon in the box. 😉

I got to talk to Matt for a few minutes tonight.  It was sooooo nice to hear his voice again!  I suppose we’ll get a chance to chat again next weekend.  He really can call me anytime that he wants from the hotel as he can expense the phone calls and his company will pay for them.  However we’re both fairly practical people and don’t feel the need to run up the bills even if his company will pay for it.  Still waiting on hearing whether or not he’s going to get a cell phone for the rest of his visit.  That would be nice since we could text back and forth for little updates.  I just like knowing he’s safe and sound. 🙂

This picture makes me laugh a lot.  That is me, I am probably 4 or so.  I love the rainbow stripey shirt that I am wearing – and how my hand is on my waist.  I stand like that at work ALL OF THE TIME.

And going back a little further…  That couch.  Oh my.

As you can see I scanned a few pictures today at the request of my older sister.  She is making a photo album for my mom for Christmas, I guess.  She was telling me that she was having Nevil touch up the pictures of the two of them that they took over the weekend…  I’m sure their pictures will look the nicest but whatever I guess.

Okay I’ve sat here with this same window up for like 45 minutes.  I have nothing else to say.  Later taters.

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Glad you guys got to chat for a bit. How cute are you!?!?! RYN: yea, we’ve talked about it before. And no, he isn’t getting it.

November 14, 2010

Hahaha. So cute!

November 15, 2010

Oh my gosh those photos are so cute 🙂