new york minute

Matt and I flew up to New York yesterday, we were a little north of Poughkeepsie and stayed with a pilot friend of Matt’s.  It was quite fun, Kyle and Amber were AMAZING hosts!  We had a bonfire last night and today while Matt and I were out flying in the Lake George area we saw some incredible colors.  I am hoping the leaves down here start changing soon!

I don’t really feel like editing a whole lot so I’m only going to post a few pictures from yesterday.  🙂

Over PA somewhere.

Trusty little birdy at a wee airport in PA.  I was a nervous wreck flying into it!  You are over buildings and trees and then bam it’s the runway!  When you take off you are going between two mountains, in a little valley.  SCARY.  At least for a chickenshit like me!


We flew up the Hudson River into Poughkeepsie a ways, I recognized a bit of the area from the few times I visited Matt while he was living there.

The final approach into Sky Acres Airport where we parked the plane for a night.

We were waiting for Kyle to pick us up…this was a lone little poof-poof.

And from the bonfire last night!  Man, how I wish had my own house with some land!!!

All in all I did pretty good for the whole trip.  I tend to only get nervous when it is bumpy, as I do in bigger planes.  I guess I am just not one for turbulence.  It doesn’t make me sick at all, it just scares me.  🙂

The weekend FLEW by.  I can’t believe I have to go back to work tomorrow night!  At least it is my short week though, that makes me happy.  🙂

Later taters, I will catch up with you tomorrow.  I think I am in the mood for a nice hot shower!

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October 16, 2007

now why cant derek have a cool hobby like flying??? nope, he just wants to play video games and hockey and make beer. nothing that benefits me at all! LOL it looks like you all had a great time! i can just imagine what turbulance much feel like in that puddle jumper! 😀

October 16, 2007

awesome pictures!! i love looking down at the land when im up in the area, esp farmland. its like a patchwork quilt.

October 16, 2007

Oooo, nice pictures. 😀

October 17, 2007

Lucky lucky you….I sooo wanna go to NY!!x x

October 17, 2007

I didn’t realize how long your hair had gotten until that pic up there!! You smiley people look great!

How cool! Is it amazing to sit next to Matt and realize he’s the one flying you around? Man. I think I’d love it. Ashley

October 17, 2007

excellent pics of the two of you!

October 18, 2007

oh, time off ALWAYS goes by VERY fast! Time flies when you having fun! I was wondering.. since I am a backwards reader… if you guys were in a personal plane. That’s so cool!

October 19, 2007

just looking at those pics makes me nervous. i hate flying…it scares the bejeezus out of me. that last pic is awesome! xo