I’m coming home for Christmas! and pics too.
I know it’s a tad earlier for that buuuut I did buy my tickets home to Arizona for Christmas. I shall fly into Las Vegas December 22nd around 10:00PM and fly out of Las Vegas December 26 around 11:00PM. It’s a red-eye flight but I can deal and I will have plenty of time to sleep before I go back to work on the 27th. It was $369.00 roundtrip on my favorite airline so I figured I would take what I could get at the moment and get it out of the way. Now I don’t have to worry about it at all anymore.
I guess my Grandma had an evaluation and they gave her about a week to live. The cancer has spread through out her body and she’s on morphine and what not since she’s having trouble breathing. I just don’t want her to be in pain. It hurts my family and especially my dad to see her like this and it just sucks.
Well I finally uploaded a ton of Widget pictures and a few of myself as well, I know you miss seeing my ugly mug. 🙂 So here we go!
Widget wishing he was outside.
This yarn was scattered ALL OVER the apartment one night. If it was stationary there was yarn on it(including Matt). I finally got it untangled and into a ball last week.
Being cheesey! I was bored yesterday while Matt was napping.
Wondering why I was interrupting his beauty sleep.
Me and Widgemon!
Playing with his mousie on his favorite box to hide in.
Hahah you can see yarn particles on his forehead.
How you doin’? *wiggles eyebrows* I was bored… 🙂
I need boobs.
Whenever Matt sits on the ground like that Widget crawls under him and just lays there. He likes caves I guess. And plastic bags. Yes, we supervise him when he is playing with them.
*chomp* I love it!
So… I did.
Hmm…what’s over there?
I’m spent.
You guys asked for it. 🙂
Matt’s back on days so… He’s not off again until next Tuesday but at least he will have a mighty fine paycheck. 🙂 He got home a little bit late tonight so we ordered Chinese and then watched Stand By Me. This after I changed him into PJ’s while he was laying on the couch. 🙂 OH, we’re finally going to go to Splash Down next Tuesday. I think it’ll be our last chance to go so we better do it already! I might melt though, I haven’t spent a day out in the sun in who knows how long. Okey, I’m out of here. Later taters!
that last picture is a classic you. i think so anyways… from what time i have spent with you. 😀 i love the yarn photo…he’s so effin’ cute!
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you’re very pretty
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Cute kitty and Mia and Matt-legs! 🙂
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youre both cute. yayyyy i like you better though.
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Awww pretty puddy cat… even though i’m a dog person widget is sooooo cute, you’re pretty, don’t put yourself down or others will think they can too. ~*~ x ~*~
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ok – the widget is adorable…and you look great!
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I wish I could see pics at work! I’m sorry to hear about your gram… *HUGS*
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poor grandma. hopefully she’s comfortable.
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I’m sorry about your grandma. *hugs* I’m going to come steal your kitty–he’s cute!
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Sorry to hear about your grandma. 🙁 Yay for getting the plane ticket!! 😀 Lovely pictures. Widget is getting sooooooooo big!!
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little widget is adorable. i want a kittie. and you’re so pretty! i know this is a bad time to ask, but how do you do your makeup? it some of the pics it looks like you’re wearing eyeliner and mascara. take care,
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RYN:Hey,thanks for a lil self-esteem boost.Can you do something like that for my dignity too??You describe yourself how people describe me.We’re great people. ~*~ hugs back ~*~. ~*~ x ~*~
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RYN:My dignity went a long time ago due to my job and the decisions i make (so badly)my dignity never got restored but hey love can do funny things to a girl perhaps it will turn up with the removal men??? ~*~ x ~*~
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