3 in a row!

I bet you thought you were safe today!  Ha!  I am sneaking an entry in at the last minute.  🙂

So we "fall back" tonight on the time change.  I still don’t get why people do it?  I guess mostly to just save power?  *shrugs*  I am more or less simply irritated by the act of having to do it.  This is what happens to someone who grows up in Arizona I suppose.

Glad it is getting to the holiday season, I am drinking eggnog and brandy.  Mmmm!

Went to dinner with my cousin and her hubby tonight, it was nice seeing them.  Still somewhat awkward as we are all trying to get to know each other, but that will come in due time.

Work could not end quick enough last night.  I was so exhausted by the time I got home this morning I could barely think anymore.  It was just one of those draining weeks I guess.

Matt was singing "Oh Widgemon, Oh Widgemon" to the tune of "O Christmas Tree".  Hahahahha, this coming from someone who says he "hates" Christmas songs.

Oh, if you feel like watching it I will link a You Tube video of Widget chasing his tail. It’s about a minute long.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcDa6t7aXXo  Funny and worth the time if you have it.  🙂  Yes, that’s me giggling and saying "What?" to Matt in the background.

Okay I think Matt wants to watch a movie so I better go.  Later taters!  I will catch up with you guys later on tonight or tomorrow. 🙂

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November 3, 2007

Haha, crazy cat. You can see it’s thinking, “WTF is that attached to my butt?!”—–»


November 3, 2007

i keep forgetting about the time change thing tonight… MUST REMEMBER! which if i do forget then i guess it doesnt matter since tomorrow is just sunday. now my body’s time is going to be even MORE out of whack!

November 3, 2007

Your kitty is soooo damned cute. 🙂 I guess that’s something I’ll have to learn when I move to Cali too, huh? The time changing. That seems so odd to me.

We do indeed fall back. I actually have never thought about why we do it or why we spring forward. Jeez. I really should know this stuff! Ashley

November 4, 2007

yeah, i dont get the day light savings time either. i think they made it for the farmers or something.. blegh.

November 4, 2007

do they not do it in arizona? when I was a kid, I always insisted for a month afterwards that it was “7:00, not 8:00!”

I love the FALL BACK one…i love waking up and thinking OH ITS ONLY 10! INSTEAD of 11! i gained another hour today 😛 haha

November 4, 2007

ugh, i hate changing the time. i especially hate it this year since i’ll be driving home from work in the dark. blah. xo

November 4, 2007

that video…omg. I love how he just stares at his tail for a few long seconds as if daring it to move. and even more, he’s on a piece of cardboard. it doesn’t get more cat-like, does it?

November 4, 2007

oh, and the tail chasing is almost as bad as watching Shifra trying to “catch” or “eat” a light on the front of my laptop. It was so pathetic. She kept trying to grab it with her mouth and then looking for it when it “disappeared”…::shakes head:: she’s cute, but stupid.