Jesus was a Jazz Musician
The Title of this entry will also be the title of the homily I’ll be giving this Sunday during the jazz mass. I’m in charge of the whole thing. I’ve arranged tunes, picked hymns to swing, hired musicians, and now I’m writing my presentation, which I’ll post here as soon as it’s finished. I have gigs lined up for most of the summer, which is fortunate because I need the money. We’re buying a house and the credit crunch has made banks paranoid, which means we have to hoard mucho dinero in the bank before closing day. To make matters more stressful, the house didn’t appraise for our agreed price, so now the owner will have to settle for $1300 less or we walk with earnest money in hand. I wish one could barter for a house. You give me your house and I’ll give you my wife’s Duran Duran collection on vinyl.
My music theory class will go down in history as one of my favorite. Their final project was to create a class DVD complete with original soundtrack. They worked on the project for a week and the final result was a hilarious re-enactment of the year’s memorable moments. The soundtrack was only worth a “B”, but the video script was so clever that I gave them an “A.” This was a class that got my wacky jokes, loved to digress into political discussions and got into exchanges of witty banter. Two girls named Alex made fun of my laugh, at which point I informed them their vocal mannerisms reminded me of Eeyore. “Thanks for nuthin” became the class motto for the year. In fact the two Alex’s worse matching “Thanks for nuthin” t-shirts on the last day of class! Unfortunately, they never quite mastered avoiding parallel 5ths and octaves in part-writing, but many don’t. Their ear-training and sight-singing was much better.
Thanks For Everything!