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So simple but pretty.

March 10, 2007

simply beautiful. i wish…i could write like this.

March 11, 2007

you are so wise, my mysterious friend. why do you hide from me?

March 12, 2007

can i ever see a picture of you, really? not that it matters what you look like. i just want to know more about you because you intrigue me. you’re smart and wise and nurturing. you’re perceptive.

Some facets of the personality are only evident when certain situations arise. People would be so much more poetic and heroic were those traits more easily evinced. Oh wait…that’s what happens when you read someone’s online diary before you ever meet them in real life. =P

RYN: I can tell you that he definitely wouldn’t want to hear it. I think I made a mistake. He’s immature *and he’d take that as a major insult*. I thought he was more mature, but I guess you could say his true colors are beginning to show. =(

RYN:From what I know he’s single. The bad news is, he called me not too long ago. Said he wanted to check up on me, which basically means he wants to get back together. I told him I didnt think he had changed and brought up how much I had lost because of him. Probably shouldn’t have done that. But, I think he’s pretty pissed at me now

March 17, 2007

wonderful wonderful. So beautifully honest and shy all at once. xo