XXX rated

Warning: the speculation involved in this entry may offend.

The Dandy Warhols are the backdrop to today’s rather playful mood. I’m feeling pretty Bohemian.

So, I was wondering, if I were totally naked while typing this entry would it be pornographic? Would the mere fact that I was without attire count – or, since there is no suggestion of a sex act or sexy behavior would it be considered “art?” Would I even have to be nude? Perhaps implied cyber-nudity is enough, leaving it all open to the reader’s speculation – though that might make the reader’s speculation pornographic and not this entry. Hmmmm.

Today’s wise chocolate recommends, “Sing in the rain.” It doesn’t say anything about being in the way of the Jaybird 🙂

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April 25, 2004

Hi, Just a random noter stopping by to say hi as a result of insomnia. Feel free to stop by my diary anytime. Have a great day!!! <3

April 25, 2004

Pornography is in they eye of the beholder, I suppose. Art and pornography are both things that one can’t define, only that “I know it when I see it” LOL. Tom-

April 25, 2004

And if the thought of you naked were pornographic to the reader, but artistic to you….which one would be the truth?

April 25, 2004

naked with cinnamon…now that would be art…! Laters…

Hi, thanks for stopping by. I liked what you wrote…if only more people paid attention to it….things would be better…BT

if you are naked and just typing, it is art. if you are touching yourself while you are typing, it is porn.

As a “closet exhibitionist” I gotta say no. To me, pornography is more than nudity–or less in the eyes of some. The halftime show in the Super Bowl was pornography long before the wardrobe malfunction. Simply cruising around a beach au natural isn’t. At least, that’s how I see it. Your mileage may vary…

typing naked, even if being photographed, to me is no where near porn.. I have to say that touching or being touched in a sexual way could be the line… *shrugs*

April 28, 2004

haha prep for finals….i haven’t really done much of anything for them. i’m actually getting ready to read some stuff so i guess it’s going alright…not exactly in any big hurry.

May 10, 2004

Was it necessary to undress to write this note?