utter nonsense

Within the last century mass market publishing put literature into the hands of all the people and fostered the development of new ideas; however, the dark side is now rearing its ugly head with the degradation of the English language and the spread of stupidity. The desktop publishing industry boom of the 1990’s flooded the world with crap. Previously, the difficulties and expense involved in the publishing industry precluded much of the exceptionally poorly written and exceptionally stupid material from making it into circulation. Now, anyone with a computer and $2000 can be published. The number of independent magazines and newsletters is contributing to the wealth of hardcopy garbage out there. And, to top it off, any goober can create a website, call himself the directorate for research and analysis and people will be quoting his claptrap as fact in hours.

A friend is taking an advanced writing course. She does not write well, having missed a lot of stuff the first time through school. She does not understand my critiques of her work because the authors she is reading and citing write poorly or are completely nuts. Because she does not write well and had a poor primary school education, she cannot differentiate between “well written and credible” and “poorly written and bogus” sources. Unfortunately, she has no desire to actually learn how to write well. Soon she will graduate with a low grade, no new insights into the written word and begin seriously contributing to the further accumulation of nonsense into the world.

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I am sure you are right. There is so much garbage written these days. Just read my diary!!! LOL

i remember being asked to read a fellow graduate student’s paper for a methods course. Her writing was at about a third grade level…and she was a TEACHER!! Getting a Master’s degree in education!! Scary scary stuff. i only pollute the “airwaves” with my writing in my journal. *smile*

What will be even more disturbing is if she graduates with a good grade! (and isn’t this note an example of something that is poorly written … a case in point it would seem!)

Just the other day at my class we were talking about kids that actually graduate without learning how to read…. Someone I know was looking at scholarship requirments online and it said “essays you’ve already wrote” instead of “written”

Very true, very true. Not about your friend but the first paragraph.

Wow, I ran into the exact same thing last Spring. I think I will leave out the details out of respect for my friend, but she was encouraged in a very ambitious project by professors who obviously have lowered their standard of writing considerably. In the end it was sad, she reviewed her work and realized what crap it was. Her heart, however, is in the right place.

yeah! i see crap being printed and it gives me hope. i know i can write better than that if i was actually bothered. “if you have to make them, they’re not friends|- that’s what i’ve always said! that you don’t make friends. they should just happen. i’m in london now- and i love it! tahnks for your note.love, lexi.<br.x