too pooped to polka

Can you believe it? Totally free, unrestricted access to the computer – and I’m too pooped to polka, as they say (before anyone asks, yes, I do mean the ubiquitous “they” to whom all manner of arcane knowledge is attributed). But, seeing as I have a few moments before I must check my sleeping loved one again, I can either pound out a few lines here or mindlessly play spider solitaire. My most beloved has been quite sick all day. He managed to make it to church this morning (barely), but other than that has spent the entire day on the couch. His fever has been quite high (though it broke about an hour ago as he lay sleeping with his head in my lap). It has been necessary to watch his temperature and push fluids. I don’t mind babying him a bit – bringing books, blankets and beverages, wiping him with damp cloths, tucking him in – he works hard and deserves the attention. I should have realized that it was coming on yesterday as we were driving down the Chuo Expressway. He launched into a diatribe about all the drivers being f***tards and b*tches. I, apparently, am also a f***tard, but that is another story (which I am attributing to the delirium). Personally, I find the term f***tard to be a ridiculous one – I am not even going to dignify it with the title “word.” However, since the Oxford recently added “bling-bling” to it’s extensive collection, anything is possible (and our unabridged is from 1999, so it is hopelessly out of date :)) Anyway, as my loved one’s brain cooked, the term became more and more prominent in his conversation, as did erratic accelerations/decelerations and lane drifting. If we had had an accident, the kids in the back seat would have been toast. He vehemently declined my frequent requests to be allowed to drive, and I’ve found over the years that it is better to dig my fingernails into the armrests and pray we make it than push the issue. Needless to say (but I’ll say it anyway), we made it home. He was restless all night and his illness clearly manifested itself this morning. We don’t know if it was something he ate or a virus. If its a virus, we’ll know in about 4 days when my daughter and I take our turns on the couch. I’ll probably be too tired to write then, too 🙂  Well, I want to check his temperature one more time and turn in.  I hope you all have a great (and healthy) day!!

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January 4, 2004

OUCH…! That is a lot to spend to go see a movie. Can you see them on base…? I got lucky and went to the “matania” showing…cost me $6.50, or something like that. 10 dollars on popcorn and pop though…! Talk about costly…but it was worth it. I needed to spend more money on me, right…? Whatever…! Laters…

January 4, 2004

Well, obviously he refused your offers to drive because you’re a f***tard! Seriously, I’m glad you made it home safely and I hope he’s feeling better:^) My goodness, if “bling-bling” was in there by ’99 I wonder if they have added “fo’ shizzle” by now? *grins* Tom-

our youngest dictionary is also from ’99. they should make a book of slang rather than at to the dictionary… ryn- I have it framed and in the kitchen where we can all see it. I need the constant reminder 🙂

Instead of that idea, do you want me to sing a Dean Martin song while I make you a martini?

January 4, 2004

hope he feels better soon. “f***tard”?? That’s a new one on me. My husband’s had a headcold for the last week or so…and believe me, graphic details of the color, consistency, and quantity of his nasal and/or other bodily secretions do NOT make for pleasant breakfast conversation.

January 4, 2004

I understand the stress associated with riding with an erratic driver. My children hate going anywhere with their father (ill or not) and all three prefer when the 17-year-old takes the wheel.

Thank goodness you all arrived home safely. Hope your poor fellow gets better soon and that the rest of you are spared!…RYN-Except for the first week or so when some clanking of metal on teeth and slurring of words was apparent, it really is not that obvious that D. has a piercing (thank goodness).I’m sure it’ll come out permanently one of these days(or years!)-it’ll be when she is ready.Cheers!

That’s me above NSI – Avanti : )