Summer Rain

This year the rainy season went on and on and on, and actually only ended yesterday. The day dawned bright and hot. The kids at the pool weren’t shivering for the first time this summer (it’s a shame school is starting again on Monday after an all too brief summer vacation). People’s air conditioners began humming. So, imagine everyone’s trepidation when dark clouds began to build on the horizon this afternoon. It wasn’t rainy season rain, though. The clouds were those summer clouds, built up by the rising heat on a hot day. The air was all static-y, full of feel good negative ions. When it finally did begin raining, the drops were fat and sparse; if you tried hard enough you could run between them and not get wet. Sunshine dripped through the holes in the clouds. The streets and sidewalks dried almost as fast as the drops fell sizzling upon them, and steam rose from the hot earth of people’s gardens with that rich wet dirt smell. This was not depressing rainy season rain. This was summer rain – cool, refreshing, glorious summer rain, and it’s fine with me.

Now I have the song “Summer Rain” stuck in my head, but that’s fine with me, too 🙂

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Ahhhhhhh…..sounds delightful!! will come up with some questions today or tomorrow!

So, summer rain made you feel fine? *grins* I have recently realized how much I miss those summer afternoon showers we had when I lived on the Gulf coast. I hated them when I lived there, now I miss the cool, clean air that lingered into the twilight after they passed. Tom-

Well I hope that bitch ass crack whore so called wife is arrested as soon as a cop sees her…! And I really hope the guy in housing got my car towed like he said he was going to do for me. But I’m not holding my breath. I wouldn’t put it past her to come back to the house during the night and break in again…! Oh I so hate her right now…! Enjoy the rain though, and take care.

The children here don’t go back to school until early September.

We could use some of that rain here. It’s been almost a month with no measurable precipitation. The grass is turning brown and the pond is down almost a foot. Thank goodness we have a well or our water bill would be horrid with all the flowers we have to water on a daily basis.

I think we could use a little of the rainy season rain around here, slow these forest fires down… I like that refreshing kind of rain…

Ok, MM….here are your questions for the interview. 1.What initially attracted you to your spouse. What keeps the two of you together? 2. What is the greatest obstacle you have overcome so far in your life? 3. What

woops…got cut off..sorry bout that…here are the rest: 3. What is your greatest fear? 4. If you knew you could not fail, what would you attempt to do? 5. If you had to live in another time and place, when and where would you choose to go?

you noted one of my friends to get a sitemeter, and i was wondering if you could tell me how i can get one, cause id like to know whose been visiting my diary too