sometimes you just have to cross the bridge

Has it really been over a month since I visited OD? I am at a point in my life where I don’t even want to look at my computer much less spend time cruising around the internet. Still, I am loathe to give Merry up completely, so I decided to come in here and leave another place marker. I decided to do something different. When I was in college, I translated poetry from Polish into English in my spare time. I love poetry, but I especially love Polish poetry. My most beloved once bought me a book of Polish love peotry which I cherish. The Polish people are fun, joyous people, though they have suffered greatly over the years. They work out their anger, sorrow and frustration in their art – songs, paintings, films, literature. I think that they cleanse their spirits that way, which is why there are no happy endings.

This poem by Antoni Lange is titled “Wybudowalam Most” or “I built a bridge.” And, I translated it in 1991.

I built a bridge

and connected two banks of the river

So I could go straight

from this bank into tomorrow’s possibilities.

But, it became a dark scar before me

full of dreams and kisses

and disappointments.

Though I regret leaving

I must travel far from here

to lands I don’t understand.

I wanted to return

but a voice said, “Burn it!”

Oh, I wanted to return

to my youth in the golden sun.

But, the voice told me,

“Forget it and go far away.

Go straight to the other bank!”

I crossed to the other bank

and I burned the bridge.

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June 13, 2004


June 13, 2004

That was lovely! It’s nice to see you back! In college, i used to translate poetry from Spanish to English. I also wrote some in Spanish and in Italian. I used to get out of having to write essays in Italian class by writing poetry instead!

June 13, 2004

That is very beautiful! You always manage to amaze me with the breadth of your interest and knowledge. I wish I could hear all the stories you could tell. Thanks for not abandoning your friends here, you are missed. Tom-

June 13, 2004

Hope all is going well for you…and good stuff…! Take care, and don’t forget to take some time for yourself. It does help. Laters…

June 13, 2004