
Just a little bit of news – not all of the news that’s fit to print (some of it probably isn’t news and some of it isn’t fit to print), but news nonetheless.

My loved one is away at training and he hasn’t even called or emailed to let me know he’s OK. He’s like that. But, he reads here, so he’ll know what’s up. Once he wrote here, when my hands were full – I dare you to figure out which is not me; it’s like we’re two sides of the same brain. (Don’t worry – he never notes in my name).

Anyway, my daughter is running for student body vice-president. She hasn’t been interested in student government since she was the SG secretary 3 years ago. She is thinking of using the same campaign slogan, “Vote for me or the penguin gets it!” She was at a catholic school then, so the slogan, posters and buttons were banned as being too violent – everyone voted for the girl with the banned slogan. My daughter is also going to the Far East Drama Competition. It’s being held in Okinawa this year. We have not been off the big island yet, so it should be fun. We haven’t heard what events she’ll be competing in yet. She goes to an American high school; they have Japanese as part of the curriculum, but most of the teachers are American. Her health teacher has insisted that the students have 8 1/2” by 11”, spiral bound, college ruled notebooks; it’s part of the grade. We live in Japan, for crying out loud – they are an island and identify with the British. We drive on the left side of the road and the paper is A4. Yesterday, I found myself standing in line with the other parents waiting for an express mail shipment of 8 1/2” by 11”, spiral bound, college ruled notebooks coming from the States. Thursday night is open house and that man is going to get a piece of my mind!

I have run out of sugar and sweetener for my tea. I am stuck using yogurt sugar until I go to the grocery store. It just doesn’t do it for me. I am going to stick with green tea for the duration.

Hope you have a great day !!

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what may I ask is “yogurt sugar”?.. I’ve never heard of it… I totally didn’t notice the difference when your hubby wrote for you…:)

Ryn; Wha.. Wha.. Wha.. Why would Thomas Mann give you erections or for that reason why would Mark Leyner give you an erection? Or besides that why would any man give you an erection?

seconding Saffron’s query: what is yogurt sugar? (sounds unappetizing)

*rolls eyes* Bundy is so naive. : )

I wonder which American school your daughter goes to. When I was going to school in Japan, there were the military base schools (Yo-hi, Zama, etc.) and the Catholic schools (ISSH, Seisen, etc.) and ASIJ and then us. We were a small private Christian school (Protestant) and the runt of the litter. When we went to other schools for intermurals we always had the smallest campus and gymnasium!